Canadian Sustainability Indicators Network (of  has just reported this oped on the use of GRI reporting from the mining industry. However it would seem likely the lessons could apply to any sector. I wonder how it opens up the natural evolution from the triple bottom line to the quadruple (integral) bottom line??


Mehrdad Nazari reports that:

Sustainability reporting in mining has grown dramatically in the last couple of years, especially since the industry converged around the Global Reporting Intitiative (GRI), the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting framework.

GRI is an Amsterdam-based foundation that is also a collaborating centre for the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The origin of GRI dates back to 1997, when it emerged from a project incubated by the Boston-based nonprofit CERES, a national network of investors, environmental organizations and other public interest groups. By 2006, GRI had already released its current, third generation of guidelines (known as GRI G3), which have been developed using a multi-sectoral and consensus seeking approach.

As a course instructor trained directly by GRI, 
[Mehrdad Nazari has] been interested to observe the discrepancy between GRI’s intent and external perception of certain elements of the GRI framework. The discussions during the courses show significant misperceptions and concerns associated with Performance Indicators, declaration of Application Level and the concept of assurance.


For the full text of this article go to

Mehrdad Nazari, MBA, MSc, LEAD Fellow

Senior CSR & ESIA Advisor, Prizma LLC
