July Greetings, Integral City-zens and Friends of Integral City  

We are already into the second half of 2010! Happy 4th of July to American readers! This is a quick link summary of what we have been up to in the first half of 2010 and where we will be going in the second half of 2010. (These are also posted on the blog marilyn.integralcity.com .)

  •  We are happy to announce new research and new podcasts that have been posted to the website (see items 1 and 2).
  • Also below are some of the events and places where we will be contributing until the end of 2010 and into 2011.
  • As usual we look forward to seeing you as we seek to catalyze evolutionary intelligences in the Human Hive

Today’s Integral City Sparkie for the City Mind/Heart:

In the history of the city, human systems have too rarely asked, what ought to be the conscious intention of citizens (or even what is the conscious duty of citizens)?

 Hamilton, M., 2008, Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive, p.179

  1. New Research on City Values and Integral Vital Signs Monitor – check it out at http://www.integralcity.com/discovery-zone/research.html
  2. New Podcasts – Preface and 12 Chapters of Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive – download mp3’s https://integralcity.com/Podcasts/podcasts.html
  3. Integral Theory Conference: Enacting an Integral Future – JF Kennedy University, Pleasant Hill, California http://www.integraltheoryconference.org/default.html
    1. July 29, 2010 830am – 12pm Guest of Bert Parlee on Sexual Boundaries in the Integral Community: A Process Workshop
    2. July 29, 2010 1245-415 Generational Cycles, Saecula & Cities: What do Integral Boomers Gen X,Y, Z Need to Let Go Of & Create Anew? Presenter with Cherie Beck
    3. July 30, 2010 200 – 300pm Meshworking Integral Intelligences for Resilient Environments: Enabling Order and Creativity in the Human Hive.  Presenter
    4. July 30, 2010 – 330 pm Panel Moderator: Spiral Dynamics in Academia: The Transdisciplinary Dance of Dissonance
    5. July 31, 2010 1230 – 1:45pm Ginger Group Collaborative, ACE-Its
    6. July 31, 2010 200 – 300pm Panel Member: Women’s Panel: Creating a Full-Spectrum Ecology for Women’s Development
  4. Next Step Integral Conference: Integral Education and Integral Ecology – Presenter, 12 Intelligences of the Human Hive http://i-edu.org/
  5. The Map, The Mesh and The Human HiveTelecourse, September 2010 – forward inquiries to map@integralcity.com
  6. Royal Roads University, September 13, 2010 – April, 2011 Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Community Development Grad Certificate – Designer, Co-Developer and Faculty for Residency and Distance Learning Courses. http://www.royalroads.ca/program/graduate-certificate-sustainable-community-development
  7. Renaissance2,  Designing a Resilient Civilization Oct. 21-23, Conscious Evolution 24-25 2010. http://www.renaissance2.eu/events/event-detail.php?id=498975449
  8. What if we aren’t planning to survive?  Asks Alberta Association of Canadian Institute of Planners at their annual conference, Lake Louise AB, October 17-19, 2010. Join us.  http://www.aacip.com/public/conferences.html
  9. Business Innovation for Sustainable Growth. Globe Forum Dublin in November 17-18, 2010. Keynote Speaker on Integral City Innovation, Evolution & Resilience http://www.globeforum.com/
  10. Globe Forum, Jury of the Globe Sustainable City awards (in Stockholm in May, 2011). http://www.globeaward.org/


…meshful summer blessings … and see you soon.
