Further to the Australian Federal Elections reported here in September. And the US Elections completed two weeks ago, I am noticing more action in the human hive, that says Resource Allocators and Inner Judges are busy trying to decide what to do next.
The US Elections brought similar results to those in Australia — very close 50/50 races in many (if not most) returns across the country. Voters are clearly hedging their bets because they still can’t decide what will be the best outcomes for them. Quantitative Easing (QE) to defer the pain??? Or should there be touch medicine to move on from the devastating reality of non-performance??? The National Post gives two excellent articles discussing both perspectives.
Read about Swallowing Tough Medicine here: http://www.financialpost.com/news/Swallow+tough+medicine/3821401/story.html
And consider why it might be wiser to Stave off Disaster here: http://www.financialpost.com/news/Staving+disaster/3821426/story.html
I am off to Ireland tomorrow for a week speaking at the Globe Forum Dublin. I will be very interested to learn first hand how Ireland is faring. Two years ago they took the Bitter Medicine while the rest of the world took QEI and QEII. Which ships survive the storms, is the burning question that will be decided by a number of Inner Judges and Resource Allocators in more than one human hive. Intergroup Tournaments are in full blown competetion for the forseeable future. Evolutionary survival is at stake.
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