Congratulations to Barrett Brown who just defended his dissertation on Leadership for Sustainability. Barrett designed an integral methodology to study integrally-informed leaders working in sustainability. His Findings differentiate amongst leaders who work on the system (Strategists), with the system (Alchemists) and as the system (Ironists). This research illuminates the path of both consciousness and action as leaders in the sustainability sector grow capacity in contexts that stretch from the humanitarian challenges of the developing world to the environmental assaults of the developed world.
Barrett comments on his study:
“I’ve spent the last two years researching the question, “what does conscious leadership look like in action” – specifically exploring how change agents with complex worldviews design and lead complex change initiatives.
“The bottom line is that these individuals represent less than 5% of the population, and in some cases, less than 1%. They are true outliers in how they see and understand not only the world around them, but also their own inner experience.
“The leaders I researched in my Ph.D. dissertation have achieved a level of development that represents the farthest reaches of what science can currently measure. I was curious to discover how these people actually lead. What do they look like in action when they engage with today’s intense societal challenges?
“In my work, I focused specifically on the context of leading sustainability change initiatives. In the process, I interviewed and assessed nearly three dozen leaders from business, government, and civil society. This group includes senior executives from global companies and the UN system, as well as NGO directors and consultants.
“The long-term purpose of this research is to support the creation of advanced leadership development strategies that can help address the global economic, social, and environmental challenges humanity faces. If humankind is to succeed in crucial objectives such as those articulated by the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals, we will need to employ some new strategies.
“We know that some of our change efforts toward this more sustainable world will work, while many will not. Amongst the success drivers for a change initiative, a key one is the design of the initiative itself. And one of the most important influences on the design of change initiatives is the worldview of the designer. It is this leverage point – the actions of those with a “conscious” worldview – that I studied.
“As it turns out, leaders with a more complex worldview have access to enhanced and new capacities that others don’t. This strengthens their ability to respond to sophisticated challenges.
“Research indicates that such leaders are perceived as more effective, for a whole variety of reasons. While this isn’t uniformly true – context and personality also really matter – there are real advantages that these folks have.
“I wanted to understand more; I wanted to look into their minds and actions and see what insights they might offer to other leaders and change agents. Ultimately, by better understanding how these individuals respond to complex challenges, I think we can help more leaders develop the sophisticated, and at times, powerful capacities offered by complex worldviews.
“This study has significant implications for leadership practice. The results provide the most granular view to date of how very rare and “conscious” leaders and change agents may think and behave with respect to complex change initiatives.
“The leaders in this study appear to: (1) Design from a deep inner foundation, including grounding their work in transpersonal meaning; (2) Access non-rational ways of knowing, and use systems, complexity, and integral theories; and (3) Adaptively manage through “dialogue” with the system, three distinct roles, and developmental practices.
“Additional results include: 15 advanced leadership competencies; developmental stage distinctions for six dimensions of leadership reflection and action; and 12 practices that differentiate leaders with a unitive perspective from those with a general systems perspective.
“If you are a leader, change agent, or someone who helps to develop either, I think you’ll find these results not only deeply useful, but even potentially transformational.”
In the months to come, Barrett will be blogging about these findings, offering insights about how you can use them to improve your own ability to lead. Tune into Barrett – here
Below you will find links to download the following files:
Brief Overview of Dissertation (Excerpt with some of the key findings)
PowerPoint Presentation of Dissertation Research Results (Showcases some key findings)
Full Unabridged Dissertation (Highly recommended, especially Chapter 5 which summarizes all findings)
[…] Comments « Conscious Leadership in Action – Barrett Brown’s PhD Research […]
[…] With Barrett Brown’s new research on Sustainability Leaders, we were able to self-assess and create a group assessment of key leadership capacities and where […]
[…] conference, we used a number of processes to explore shadow including the masks of Five Wisdoms, Sustainability Leadership Competencies, Sentence Completion Dyads, and Generational […] doesn’t seem to exist anymore. I am not finding Brown’s summaries of 3 action-logics easy to locate. Is there a good up to date place, Marilyn?
HI Alia
Sorry the link is not up to date (10 + years old!!). I suggest that you track down Barrett’s dissertation and see what he says there. His research on leaders in the environmental movement and as I recall referenced Action Logics there.