June Solstice Greetings, Integral City-zens and Friends of Integral City  

 Today’s Integral City Sparkie for the City Body :

 Cultural cohesion can be measured through metrics tracking energetic noise and resonance.

Hamilton, M., 2008, Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive, p.299

 The generational wave is a supra-wave of human life patterns that embraces many of the waves in the Integral City. Embracing the waves of consciousness, values and capacity development in holons and social holons, four age cohorts are currently connecting on the Integral City dance floors of the world. These generational cohorts Grok, Talk, Walk and Rock the life conditions and mindsets that influence the emergence of evolutions and revolutions for succeeding generations. We are surmising that the news stories that masquerade as gender differences, cultural clashes and political uprisings may be rooted in unique city cultures differentiated by generational demographics and value sets. (From upcoming article, Generational Cycles, Saecula and Cities: How Do Integral Artists, Boomers, Gen X and Millennial Generations Impact City Values and Policy Development?by Marilyn Hamilton & Cherie Beck.)

Here are some quick updates on the cycle of life flowing through Integral City activities in the season ahead.

  1. Our first Integral City/You Tube Video gives an Introduction to “What is an Integral City?”.  It’s a quick 10 minutes and you can watch it with a click here.
  2. Globe Forum announced the winner of the Sustainable City Awards 2010 . Songpa Korea received this award at the Globe Forum in Stockholm May 11 & 12, 2011.
  3. Join Integral City at Summer 2011 Learning Events:
    1. July 9, 2011 World Future Society’s Annual Conference in Vancouver, Canada. Integral City is joined by Barbara Marx-Hubbard, Cherie Beck and Vanessa Fisher in the Generational Exploration of Grok, Talk, Walk, Rock: Choreographing Four Generations in the City. Click here for details and registration.
    2. July 8, 2011 World Future Society’s Annual Conference in Vancouver, Canada. Integral City welcomes Dr. Don Beck, Elza Maalouf and Said Dawlabani as they get up front and personal about the Bridging Great Divides and Multiple Futures the Middle East. Click here for details and registration.
    3. July 14-17, 2011, Center for Human Emergence Canada is sponsoring, Spiral Dynamics integral Foundations course in Edmonton, Alberta. Our Focus is Connect to the Simplicity Within the Complexity of Our Times. Click here for details and registration.
    4. July 25-27, 2011, Royal Roads University Sustainable Community Development Graduate Certificate concludes with the Capstone Residency Presentation to Colwood’s Climate Action Plan.
    5. August 22, 2011, University of Oslo, Norway welcomes Integral City to present a workshop on “Meshworking Resilience in the Human Hive: Aligning Excellence, Releasing Leadership”. Email us for details.
    6.  August 24-28, Experience Integral, Venwoude, Netherlands, faculty with Barrett Brown, Irini Rockwell, Willow Dea, Anouk Brack and others for Embodying Integral Sustainability. Click here for details and registration.
    7.  August 29-30, University of Wageningen, Netherlands. Lecture and Workshop: “Meshworking Urban and Rural Community Interests”. Email us for details.


      4. Recent Blog Postings from marilyn.integralcity.com include:

Spiritual Practices for Dealing with the News

Systems and Resilience Cycles for Sendai Restoration

Crisis of Decision Making: What Underlies Our Inability to Respond to Climate Change

Are Diasporas Potential Meshworkable Cultural Accelerators?

12 Intelligence Principles for Integral City to Celebrate on Earth Day

Almere Principles Guide City Growth

3 Research Studies Revealing Integral City Patterns for Leaders & Policy Makers

…meshful blessings for this season of body energy … 
