Energy, information and matter tracking technology is revealing behavioral secrets of the Human Hive. Three of the best examples I’ve found are:

Britain from Above –  this BBC series explores explores the evolution of Britain’s infrastructure development from agriculture to transportation, communication to education, and cities to rural redevelopment across the ages.

Mesh Cities – a new website whose mission is to help distribute the methods and technologies that will shape the design of tomorrow’s responsive, sustainable cities. MESH is an acronym that stands for: M=Mobile  E=Efficient  S=Subtle  H=Heuristics.

Human Systems Fractal Patterns – this short video captures many of the fractal patterns from macro to micro scales that provide the evidence for the Integral City as a whole, living system, emerging from the fractal patterns of existence.

Each of these sources reveals the non-linear patterns that are embedded in the city’s meshworking intelligence. They are the images of the self-organizing systems constantly in play amongst the structuring layers of city development. Is it possible they explain why the many experiments in linear city development never seem to last very long? In true meshworks both structuring capacities and self-organizing dynamics work together to emerge new capacites. Maybe this is how we need to re-think cities and honour their evolutionary meshworking trajectories?