Spring Equinox Greetings, Integral City-zens and Friends of Integral City
Today’s Integral City Sparkies for City Diversity Generators:
What city in the world has developed a course of study and practise that enables a person to methodically progress from cradle to peak prformance at the defined levels of complexity that deliver leadership to the powers 1 through 8?. p.120
Preparing leaders to the Power of 8, involves capacity development with a curriculum and experience that aligns knowledge, values, structures and life conditions.. p.123
We may be standing on a whole new threshold of human capacity emergence that will make the Level 8 leadership competencies (which we explored in some detail in Chapter 5) look primitive.p.140
Our senses, our learning and our science now tell us that behaviors in the city can become more intelligent. Our aspirations tell us that we must become more intelligent. p.144
Hamilton, M., 2008, Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive
2012 is a year pregnant with the anticipation of change. Many look to the storylines presaged by the Mayan calendar, that this year is the end of an old way of Being, and the beginning of a new way of Becoming. The shifts from theatres of war to congresses of peace; the revisiting of the first Rio sustainability conference; the many tensions of the 2012 US election; the craziest aberrations in weather patterns; and the continued ambiguities of the old monetary system – all these life conditions call attention to the scale of change that is occurring at a global level. We sense the uncertainties of the future, the non-linear jumps in our experience of time, place and moral influence, the continuous flow of scientific discovery that reveals the amazing miracle of life and the surprising practise of compassion that embraces the deepest tragedies of human and kosmic shifts.
It is a time for the Diversity Generators of the Human Hive to intensify the messages in their dance that show new resources, new directions, and new potentials for the City – the most complex of Human Systems. It is time for the intelligence of the Human Hive to be recalibrated to the Power of 8 and beyond. In 2012 Integral City will initiate the course of study that enables the City to learn through the lenses of the Integral Paradigm. We are ready to open the doors of an eLaboratory where we invite all who are part of the Brain Trust to collaborate on designing and putting into practise a new operating system for the City.
Integral City will leverage the change climate of 2012 to meshwork the What, the So What and the Now What of action learning, to integrate scientists, philosophers, designers and practitioners into a community of People, Purpose, Practise and Priorities in service to the wellbeing of our Cities and our Planet.
See the invitation and mark you calendars for September 2012 – Integral City Meshworks in partnership with Integral Initiative and Integral Leadership Review is sponsoring the Integral City e-LABORATORY throughout September 2012. Modelled on the smash-hit of 2011 the Integral Leadership Collaboratory the e-LABORATORY will explore how Integral Frameworks and Best Practices are evolving intelligences in cities around the world. With Keynote Speakers from City Leaders and the Integral World; Design Labs with Global Developers and Civic Managers; and Community Circles Lead by Activists and Civil Society Entrepreneurs we will deliver four weeks of non-stop exploration about the City, that will open your eyes to environmental breakthroughs, career opportunities and evolutionary collaborations, all at the convenience of your nearest e-screen. Details will be released in the months ahead. Let us know if you’d like to volunteer, support, sponsor and/or be part of our powerful list of speakers and panelists already confirmed (including Hazel Henderson, Don Beck, Bill Rees, Bob Willard, Richard Register, Ann Dale). Get on our Early Bird update list by sending an email to eLAB@integralcity.com
2. 2012 Learning Events:
- Birth 2012: Co-Creating Planetary Shift – Join Evolutionists, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jean Houston, Stephen Dinan and the Shift Team on Conception Day – April 22, 2012 to celebrate and plan for December 22, 2012 to create a planetary shift. Free Registration is at: http://conceptionday2012.com . Let’s create a wave for change that exceeds the 100 million people this event intends to attract.
- Apply Integral City principles to a Community of Interest in April, 2012 at Royal Roads University Sustainable Community Development Graduate Certificate. The Capital Regional District of Victoria will be our Community of Interest and we will be working with them on their Master Pedestrian and Cycling Plan for our second Graduate Certificate Course. Click here for Registration Details. Or contact us if you’d like to nominate a location for a Community of Interest rru@integralcity.com . You supply the place, we supply a cohort of highly motivated Action Learning researchers!
- Join Dr. Don Beck at the Adizes Graduate School in Santa Barbara for his timely Spiral Dynamics: The Quest for the Master Code . April 9-14, 2012. For registration, contact stephanie@adizes.com
- Foresight Canada www.foresightcanada.ca is offering a course on systems mapping as one of the foundational skills for seeing and shaping the future, March 22 & 23, 2012 in Calgary. They are also offering in Ottawa, April 26-27 Is our Civilization Sustainable; May 10-11, in Victoria, New Tools for Foresight; and October 18-19 in Calgary, Governing Whole Systems for our Shared Future. Contact Ruben Nelson, ED at foresightcanada@shaw.ca
- Center for Human Emergence is sponsoring a Global/Local Change series in October/November 2012. Send inquiries to CHEChange@integralcity.com . Stay tuned for dates and locations.
- Order the DVD of the August, 2011 Embody Integral Sustainability Conference sponsored by Experience Integral at Venwoude, NL. This DVD includes presentations by Barrett Brown, Marilyn Hamilton, Irini Rockwell, Anouk Brack +++.
2. Recent Blog Postings from marilyn.integralcity.com include:
- Integral City as City 2.0
- How is Integral City a Human Hive?
- Integral City 2.0 @ Map, Mesh, Human Hive
- How Do We Design Healthcare Systems for Integral City 2.0?
- Education Creates Habitats for Learning What Works in City 2.0
- Integral Sustainable Design for City 2.0
- Integral City 2.0 Economists Create Cracks & Open Light
- Civil Society 2.0 Music Recalibrates Integral City 2.0
- Integral City 2.0 Develops Innovation Ecosystems
- Integral City 2.0 Requires a Momentous Leap from Activism to AQALism
- Integral City 2.0 Blasts Into Space
- Building SustainABLE Communities
- MESHWORKING Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive1
- Meshworking EVOLUTIONARY Intelligences for the Human Hive2
- Meshworking Evolutionary INTELLIGENCES for the Human Hive3
- Meshworking Evolutionary Intelligences for the HUMAN HIVE4
- Valentine for Gaia’s Reflective Heart
- Civility Cultivates Sustainability
- City Leaders Amplify Weak Signals, Quicken Collective Intelligence
- Designing the Acceleration of Leadership Development
…meshful blessings for this season of Birth and Generativity …
Useful Links:
Twitter: integralcity; LinkedIn: Marilyn Hamilton
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