Living intelligence relates to the aliveness of each citizen through each of their lifecycle stages and the aliveness of the city through its lifecycle stages.

These interlocking lifecycles are powerful fractal relationships that impact how each person, organization and community contribute to the wellbeing of the city. At each of these scales we go through lifecycle stages equivalent to birth, childhood, youth, young adult, mature adult, and elder.

Likewise the city itself passes through these cycles of life – not once but repeatedly over eons depending on the history and age of the city. For example think how Paris has redefined itself as a city throughout economic ages defined in terms of agricultural, artisinal, empire, industrial, knowledge and network contexts. Each era has progressed through its own lifecycle stages and the city has renewed itself and its purpose for supporting life that serves local, regional, continental and world interests.

Living intelligence asks how can we align and optimize the life of people in the city at each stage of life? How can we align and optimize the lifecycle stage of the city with the lifecyle drivers of individuals, organizations, communities and planet?

Living intelligence asks:

1. How vibrant is the health of this city? What do we notice about the vitality of individuals and all the collectives in the city surviving in an integral way? How are they sustaining themselves bio-physically /psychologically /culturally /socially ? Where is the edge of awareness about how the city connects in a sustainable way with its environment?

2. What is the city’s unique value contribution locally and globally? How does the city add value to the eco-region and/or the global flow of resources and vice versa? How does the city replenish the life conditions that support its life?

3. Where is the city’s juice for creating renewal? How are individuals and all the collectives in the city considering the wellbeing of tomorrow’s city unto the 7th generation? How are individuals and all the collectives in the city regenerating their own lives in an integral way? Where are the processes and plans for succession that support people bio-physically /psychologically /culturally /socially ?


This blog is a prologue to the Integral City webinar conference  City 2.0 Co-Creating the Future of the Human Hive . We are inventing a new operating system for the city.  Click to get more details re the Free Expo and eLaboratory membership  scheduled September 4-27  2012. You are invited to attend and participate.