Health emerges because the structures we have created sustain us through relatively stable times and life conditions. When these structures have built-in flexibility they are also resilient and create the conditions for an energetic city.

This means that my bio-physical self can respond to the changes in my environment and access to energy, including other people in it. Thus the cycles of that affect me as a living system – accessing resources for nourishment, sustaining life through connecting with my environment and reproducing the evolutionary impulse of our species – continue to occur despite the challenges of change that surround me.

The complex adaptive capacities of my genes, brain and body are the amazing legacy of all my relations who have gone before me. Developing a healthy body/brain can be considered my responsibility to contribute to a healthy city.  Such personal practise on energy management is an act of leadership, modelling an organic paradigm of health that contributes to resilient healthcare systems, in service to the whole population of the city.

Three simple rules for practising Integral City Outer Intelligences for a fully energized city are:

  • Manage personal energy.
  • Seek bio-physical wellbeing for self and others.
  • Nurture healthy leaders.


This blog is a prologue to the Integral City webinar conference  City 2.0 Co-Creating the Future of the Human Hive . We are inventing a new operating system for the city.  Click to get more details re the Free Expo and eLaboratory membership  scheduled September 4-27  2012. You are invited to attend and participate.