Structural (or building) intelligence represents the “ Its” space of the human hive.
This intelligence connects us to the time-space realities of the city, that we see, feel, hear, smell, touch and taste. It gives us the capacity to structure and systematize our environment to sustain our complex adaptive life systems.
City structures are made up both from the collective of people (clusters of social holons and the meta-social holon of all people in the city) of whom we are a part and also the built environment.
The built environment is the extension of our human systems that enables the large population of people in the city to survive in close proximity to one another. The structural systems for managing energy, information and matter are essentially the same as those mapped out for the individual biology (outer intelligences).
These.structures have crystallized evolutionary complexity by capturing the simple but powerful circles of the family and clan hearth; by creating hierarchies of power, merit and production; by embracing inclusive social safety nets; by shifting into complex neural networks; and now encircling the globe through communication and satellite technologies.
Thus structures and infrastructures in the human hive support (or when they are not appropriate, block) sustainability, resilience and the fullness of our humanity.
This blog is a prologue to the Integral City webinar conference City 2.0 Co-Creating the Future of the Human Hive . We are inventing a new operating system for the city. Click to get more details re the Free Expo and eLaboratory membership scheduled September 4-27 2012. You are invited to attend and participate.
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