Meshworking intelligences contribute to research, planning and management in the city.

Meshworkers and meshweavers can create the conditions for aligning purposes, priorities, people and planet.  They can engage individuals, groups and sectors as stakeholders from each of the integral quadrants and focus on issues and purposes (like Millennium Development Goals).  Meshworkers can help these stakeholders to “connect the dots” and align their intentions so systems flow.

What are the principles meshworkers should use? Three simple rules for applying Integral City Meshworking Intelligences are:

  1. Catalyze fractal connections within the human hive.
  2. Build communication bridges across silos, stovepipes and solitudes.
  3. Enable meshes and hierarchies that transform, transcend and transmute capacities.


This blog is a prologue to the Integral City webinar conference  City 2.0 Co-Creating the Future of the Human Hive . We are inventing a new operating system for the city.  Click to get more details re the Free Expo and eLaboratory membership  scheduled September 4-27  2012. You are invited to attend and participate.