Within the living human hive, spiritual communities have the special purview of being habitats that grow caring capacity and also create the conditions to reflect on caring.
They are purpose-gathered to bring people together for spiritual experience, awareness, caring, sharing and development. As such, I suggest that spiritual communities are Evolution’s purpose-designed playgrounds, rehearsal halls and gardens for growing the capacity of Gaia’s reflective organ.
We have arrived at a time in Gaia’s evolution when the evolution of human systems needs to wake up, grow up and take responsibility for the evolutionary role we have been created for – to be Gaia’s reflective organ.
Spiritual communities play a very special role in the evolution of collective intelligence in human systems. As communities and also organizations with spiritual purposes, they are best suited to appreciate that their calling (or commission) may be much larger than we have been imagining.
Spiritual communities traditionally have attended to the spiritual awakening of individuals. Many also attend to individual’s needs. And they certainly often take energy and pleasure in the enjoyment of their own company. Some churches, temples and synagogues even support global caring missions for others in need – where they minister to the suffering located in (other) neighbourhoods, cities and even countries.
But I am now calling for a new commission for spiritual communities. That you wake up to the powerful voice you have to catalyze the evolution of the city itself. For your voice is the voice of the Integrator in the city. You have developed the practices and protocols to bring people together in unity around visions, values and belief systems within your own denominations. Now I am asking you to make a stretch into a whole new way of operating.
Spiritual communities often have all 4 voices
This is an excerpt from the Presentation to First Unitarian Fellowship of Nanaimo, BC, Canada. June 2, 2013. Read the full text here.
This gives me a refreshed view of how to be in the world, how to help one another work our way through. I am used to writing what I think about it all – that is my opinion, but it fails to offer me a focused way forward. So the role of integrator may help me converse with others in more meaningful way than just blurting my opinion.
Your reflection that the “role of integrator may help me converse with others in more meaningful way than just blurting my opinion” – is a most honorable first step of “waking” up to the realization that “everything counts”. And that includes both what you say and the intention with which you say it. another power of spiritual communities is that we can create the conditions of mutual, trust and respect (MTR) to reflect to each other on the impact(s) of what we say, do, relate to and create. Thanks for sharing.
[…] have written, in an earlier blog about the new integrator voice open to a significant sector of Civil Society – faith communities. We suggest that the voice of Civil Society speaks from the collective intelligence of […]
[…] not thought of their work in the context of the city. They had not realized the NGO, business or spiritual community they served, in turn served the vital living social holon of the city – for which their […]