Greetings Integral City Blog Readers … if you are still there after 4 months of Blog-on-Sabbatical? I have been dancing FOR, WITH and AS the 4 Voices of the City in the last 4 months.

Marilyn Dancing With 4 Voices in Izhevsk

Marilyn Dancing With 4 Voices in Izhevsk

As a Citizen – I danced AS the Voice that is ON THE MOVE. This Voice asks – How do you become more sustainable? Try downsizing my residence and vehicle ownership 50%.

With Civic Managers – I danced WITH colleague Beth Sanders ( of Populus) and explored the 4 Voices of the City with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. The Topic was City Resilience and Sustainability and we created a Learning Lhabitat for Mayors and City Managers to explore how complexity and community re-frame conflict.

With Civil Society – I danced WITH colleague Anne-Marie Voorhoeve (of the Hague Centre) at the Integral Europe Conference, in Budapest Hungary, in another Learning Lhabitat that focused the 4 Voices of the City as Gateways to Working With Each Other – especially with differences that make a difference.

With Business and Developers – I danced FOR the 4 Voices of Moscow (and my wonderful Russian translation/publishing team) to become Gateways to Wellbeing for the Human Hive; and with with Lev Gordon, founder of ARGO in Izhevsk, Russia at Urbanfest we danced through the Gateways to Wellbeing by following the energy created by the 4 Voices working together for a higher calling.

As we “re-set” activity on this blog – I plan to unpack these stories and their many lessons for Integral City.