maple leaf meme


May we dance with the Maple Leaf Meme-lights as they vibrate with the resilient commit-ments of Life. May the Northern Lights from our flashing energy field radiate:

  • beige to protect our individual needs for physical and spiritual safety and survival; and prevent harm to all individuals.
  • purple to honour the traditions and heritage of each group of persons so long as they do not threaten the health of *PPPPP; and honour the contributions of the elders so long as they do not threaten the health of *PPPPP.
  • red to defend the freedom of each individual to express their development and creativity without infringing on the freedom of others to express their development and creativity.
  • blue to respect the value of order without imposing restrictions that harm individuals or groups; and honour the need for order that serves the entire *PPPPP.
  • orange to promote the success of persons; to be accountable for the integral and fair exchange of products, services and ideas as long as resources do not accumulate for the benefit of a few interests, organizations and/or levels of development, at the expense of (or while depriving resources to) *PPPPP; to publicly recognize the origination/originator of ideas, products and services.
  • green to accept the dignity of groups; ensure fair opportunity for all persons to pursue happiness as long as no individual or group is prevented from doing likewise; to not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, gender, creed as long as such action ensures the health of *PPPPP; to not seek to favour any group at the expense of another group as long as such action ensures the health of *PPPPP.
  • yellow to facilitate the integral flex and flow of energy across all aspects of *PPPPP; to unblock the barriers to the emergence of new ways of thinking, doing, being as long as they respect the health of *PPPPP; to mesh the elegance of natural patterns, processes and structures.
  • turquoise to value the geo/bio/noetic capacities of the planet; to respect the integral ecology of *PPPPP; to co-emerge the evolutionary intelligence of Life inherent in *PPPPP.


May our dance of the Maple Leaf Meme-lights resonate the universal rhythm of
*PPPPP= Place, Plant, Phylum, Person, Planet