This is a re-publication of an article by Keith Rice, published in Eros and Kosmos, August, 2014.
It offers an explanation of the Contexting and Strategic Intelligences that lie behind the article I wrote on City Trigger Points, Country Tipping Points  also published in Eros and Kosmos.
Obamaputin blog
Eugene Pustoshkin, Editor of Eros and Kosmos (the only significant Integral online magazine in the Russian noosphere) explains why this is an important article.
Keith E. Rice wrote upon my request his perspective on Russia/Ukraine and Putin. I value his analysis because it is informed by a good insight into what he terms integrated sociopsychology and includes a Spiral Dynamics Integral perspective. 
Of course, any single perspective is always destined to be limited, however this perspective, I hope, could offer fresh insights and open new dialogues and collective inquiries into the complexities of the occasions that we witness in East Europe which might have global repercussions. …
Blessings, Eugene Pustoshkin, 
Chief Editor, Eros & Kosmos (
Keith Rice starts off by saying …
It’s difficult to write an article triggered by, but not about, an ongoing crisis that has no obvious outcome in any predictable timeframe. The Ukrainian army may be gaining ground but the United Nations’ concern about a growing humanitarian crisis may force them to slow down their assaults — perhaps helped by rockets fired at them allegedly from across the Russian border. The brutal fact is that West is not going to go to war over the low-level but brutal civil war in eastern Ukraine. The West is likely to continue to support Kiev diplomatically and with military supplies and intelligence and there will be reluctant incremental upgrades to the European Union sanctions on Russia (and retaliatory Russian sanctions on the West); but no American or European soldiers are going to die for Donetsk or Luhansk, even if there were to be an overt Russian military incursion.