What paradigms might best guide humanity’s Communities of Practice around connecting global and local conversations about change?

Indra's Web

Indra’s Web

Why do we connect? We value connecting and intend to connect.

Whom do we connect with? Knowing our values, and understanding our purpose and our world, illuminate relevance.

How do we connect well? We constantly evolve practices for connecting productively, so similarities and differences are used for synergy, not antagonism. We walk our talk. We empty. Only then can we listen and receive from others, yet we bring the fullness of our knowledge and experience, allowing connecting to re-form us.

How does connecting happen? We trust the Flow of planetary transformation, via our intuition and synchronicities, to foster best connections.

How do we strengthen our connecting? Beyond brushing-elbows connecting, beyond transacting/exchanging, beyond cooperation, or collaboration, beyond even synergy, is I-Thou connecting. All serve planetary change. Beyond even that, in creativity and power for enacting change, is an Emergent High-Consciousness Collective Intelligence Field,

[i] a Whole, an ecology of conversations about changes within our Human Hive, reflecting on Gaia’s Self.   The mystery of our Invisible Field of Integral Cities constellates us as global connections in Indra’s Net.


This essay is part of a collection of dialogic essays written to celebrate the New Story of the City. We publish them in the week of the first World Cities Day (October 31) having first been inspired by by Kosmos Journal‘s invitation to tell a new story. Our team of Integral City Constellation Voices, Peer Spirits and Essayists includes: Joan Arnott, Alia Aurami, Cherie Beck, Diana Claire Douglas, Marilyn Hamilton, Linda Shore

The Voices in this dialogue are: Spirit of Integral City, Gaia, Integral City, Peer Spirits, Communities of Practice.

Each  voice is introduced by the Stage Directions:

Welcome, Connecting One(s), to this sapient circle. We gather here to constellate Indra’s Net for our Planet of Cities around this question “How does Integral City Connect for Change in Service to a Planet of Cities?” ( first asked by Kosmos Journal).  Welcome to you, Peer Spirits, who long to connect to the City and her Communities of Practice, to Gaia, and to Spirit who energizes us all. Listen … Communities of Practice speaks …



[i]  https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-bjccwO4tuIcEkySWRaUlVBSE0/edit


Links to Peer Spirits and Communities of Practice

  1. https://integralcity.com
  2. Master Code described in Chapter 12 of Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences of Human Hive draws on code of conduct used by a New Zealand school principal learned during Berkana Community of Conversations.
  3. Great Turning by Joanna Macy
  4. Adaptation of Change Equation developed by Dr. Don Beck, co-author, Spiral Dynamics
  5. Integral City 12 Intelligences
  6. 4 voices of Integral City
  7. Meshworking Intelligence practiced by the Hague Center’s Anne-Marie Voorhoeve
  8. Integral City Map 1, Map 2, Map 3, Map 4, Map 5
  9.  Roger Walsh
  10. Integral Coaching Canada
  11. Stagen
  12. Integral Facilitators™, 10 Directions
  13. http://www.reinventingorganizations.com/
  14. Integral Sustainable Designer, Mark DeKay
  15. Greg Massey and Gary Batton, Durant
  16. http://www.patterndynamics.net/
  17. Strathcona Mature Neighbourhood Strategy facilitated by Beth Sanders and Dnyanesh Deshpande 
  18. Systemic Constellation Work & Knowing Cities
  19. http://www.thomashuebl.com/en/
  20. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-bjccwO4tuIcEkySWRaUlVBSE0/edit
  21. Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences of Human Hive, p.267