Remembrance Day has traditionally commemorated human life lost in defense of our freedoms. We long for Peace.
But as our worlds have expanded the dimensions of space, time and moral influence, so too have we expanded the “reach” of peace.
We have grown Traditional Peace – between tribes – into Pre-Modern Peace – between worldviews. From there we have grown Modern Peace – between economies into Post-Modern Peace – between nations. And now that we see ourselves from space, without national boundaries, we have grown into an era of Post-Post Modern Peace – aspiring to span across One Earth.
And as we view Peace through a transglobal lens, is it now time to consider an evolution of Peace that transcends our species? Are we being called to make peace with all other the species who co-exist with us on this planet? A growing group are calling our attention to eradicate what they call ecocide – the loss of ecological systems because of human actions.
If we truly want to remember lives lost in the evolutionary battles of life, is it time to remember the loss of all species who have fallen from the Tree of Life? And beyond the leaves, twigs and branches of life that have been lost along evolution’s path, shall we remember the water and soil and all the elements that feed the roots of our Tree of Life? Today can we pause for a moment before the Flame of Peace, to remember, with gratitude, how all life has contributed to the miracle of our existence today? Let us wrap into the minute of Silence we celebrate today, not just lives remembered, but ALL LIFE remembered.
It is another way that we can practice the Master Code: Take care of yourself, take care of others, take care of this place, take care of this planet.
[…] Hamilton offers an Integral spin on the holiday in “Remembering Lives and ALL LIFE”, in which she […]
Thanks for the reminder of the Master code. Simple instruction but challenging to do.
[…] Remembering Lives and ALL LIFE […]