The second locator we look at we name the Resilient City Locator. It is like the Motherboard of our intelligence system – it is based on the natural systems we have inherited from Mother Earth.
The Resilient City Locator is all about locating our Human Hives in terms of their Ecologies and ecoregions; their Emergent responsiveness to local conditions; and their embedded, recurrent dynamic Life cycles.
The Resilient City Locator is all about understanding and responding to the interdependent scales of our cities in terms of their inter-city and intra-city ecologies.
The Resilient City intelligences provide Contexts for the Strategies of the Smart City intelligences. It is used by Civic Managers who track the external conditions of the eco-regions of our human hive – from climate, to water, to energy, to population densities – using the language of data relationships to give feedback that tells us if we are going to be successful at not just reaching our target once, but multiple years into the future.
The Resilient City Locator focuses on sustainable and resilient systems. It also alerts Business Innovators to threats and opportunities needing remedies, adaptive strategies, innovations and inventions.
And finally the Resilience Locator includes a measure of large scale systems integration. And it is working with these patterns that it leads us to the third locator – the Integral City Locator which we will discuss in the next blog.
(This blog is one of a series on Waking Up the Human Hive Beyond the Smart, Resilient City to the Integral City – thinking notes for a keynote speech at IDG’s IT Smart Cities Conference, September 23, 2015, Amersfoort, NL.)
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