Ian McDonald, member of Centre for Human Emergence Global, makes some on-the-scene integrally informed observations of the morning after the Brexit Vote.

UnUnited UK

Ian writes.

As you might imagine, it has been an interesting 18 hours in the UK since we

[CHE Global} spoke.  As I suspected the voter engagement was very high with 72% of those eligible to vote doing so.  In recent General Elections the turn-out has typically been closer to 35%.  

The easy shot for the campaigners on both sides was around fear; fear of economic meltdown if we left the EU or fear of immigration and losing jobs if we stay.  So a very large percentage of the voters used the opportunity to vent both anger and fear at the established status-quo after many years of an austerity economy following the banking crash.  It was a strike back at both the policy and the politicians who were seen as self-serving rather than actually about the headline issue. 

The result of a 2% majority in favour of leaving has now created a power vacuum as David Cameron has resigned and the leader of the opposition Labour party who was pro-Remain is facing a vote of no-confidence through weak leadership.  In theory the right-wing Conservative party has largely torn itself apart leaving an open goal for a Labour government to be formed as I am sure a general election will occur within 12 months. Labour however have a leader who has no leadership ability. 

It is like a boxing match with both opponents being knocked out.

At grass-roots level business and community owners are showing early signs of trying to build bridges with the recognition that only a route that heals the rift between the two camps will endure.  I believe Boris Johnson, figurehead for the Leave campaign will be seen as too divisive both within his own party and in a wider context to succeed Cameron and he will face strong opposition. 

For either party to take steps in leading the exit process and re-negotiation we need a strong leader capable of uniting a very divided UK which itself may further fragment as both Scotland and Northern Ireland voted strongly to stay as parts of Europe.

So we have the risk of a Un-United Kingdom with an independent Scotland and a united Ireland both remaining in Europe and an isolated England and Wales trying to re-invent a place in the world.  The hour has come; let us see who arrives to face an extraordinary challenge.

From a  bewildered , bruised  and tired UK.