I am at the stage of my move from Canada to Scotland, where small doubts, hidden concerns and niggling worries creep into my daily thoughts.
I wonder (privately to myself), “Did I make the right move?”

Of course, it is too early to tell. I just have to trust the process of following the calling, seeing how many details have easily fallen into place and take those indicators as a trajectory of signs that I am on the right track.
When I am tempted to move on or move over from the destination I have set to re-settle in Findhorn Eco-Village, I am reminded that the most enlightened view may come from the Overview.
I must move my consciousness to a planetary perspective – to remember that Findhorn’s motto of “Love in Action” is also partnered with two other principles: “Co-creation with Nature” and “Deep Inner Listening”.
Those principles have no doubt inspired my own deep inner listening to the calling to live in Findhorn. And those principles have attracted Integral City to relocate here so that it has a receptive environment to reframe cities as natural human hives, full of intelligence, evolving as Gaia’s Reflective Organs.
It is this combination of Findhorn’s and Integral City’s planet-centric purposes that remind me that this Move is contained in an Overview of a whole series of moves, in service to a planet of cities who are evolving to serve as Gaia’s Reflective Organ System.
So, this move is just the first move. That puts it into perspective. Then there will be a next move. And a next move. Together, they will all be the right moves of a whole series of moves. That is the Overview that I must remind myself as we move forward.