In July 2018 Marilyn Hamilton visited Tallinn, Estonia. Marilyn talks with Estonian urban activist and imagineer, Teele Pehk about the roots and branches of Integral City. They have a lively discussion about the following topics.

  • How she has developed her ideas from a small city in Canada near Vancouver; along with Seattle, Portland and San Francisco.
  • How the Baltic cities are waking up to interest in bringing consciousness and culture to their efforts with Smart Cities and Resilient Cities.
  • Why Integral City bases its assumptions about cities on James Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis – that the earth is a living ecosystem.
  • How Russian monocities are recalibrating themselves to be Living Cities using the 4+1 Voices.
  • How Russian Living Cities plan to change 1000 cities by 2035.
  • How Eindhoven, NL recreated itself from a manufacturing city to a Design City.
  • How to gain traction for implementing SDG’s in cities.
  • The importance of learning the biomimicry lessons from bees.

To listen to the complete recording of the conversation: Click here.