We are trying an experiment in the Findhorn Foundation and Community. We wanted to engage the greater Findhorn Community with the importance of the upcoming conference on Climate Change & Consciousness 2019.
Think Cosmically Feel Globally Act Locally
Inspired by Prof. Karen O’Brien and her cCHANGE team from University of Oslo, we are re-creating the cCHALLENGE for everyone to participate. Here is our invitation:
F.I.R.E. up your New Year’s and make a difference with your resolutions for 2019.
We started with an information session so everyone could find their Spark of Personal Motivation. Standing in the shoes of creativity we gathered December 2, 2018, at the Moray Art Centre.
We invited 15-20 Findhornians to participate in a 30-day experiment and chart a path to conscious climate change, starting January 8, 2019.
Here are some of the suggestions we made – but many people came forward with more challenging suggestions – like engaging a local retailer to go Zero Waste and plastic-free (like a London store recently did.)
- Choose one small change that benefits the environment. What you choose is up to you! Here are some examples:
- I’ll spend one hour in nature each day.
- I’ll raise conversations about climate change with people I meet.
- I won’t use screens / electricity after 9pm each night.
- I will create a piece of art each day on the subject of climate change.
- I’ll only use my legs for transportation.
- Commit to your change for 30 days. Your challenge should not be too easy or difficult – it should be a stretch.
- Share your experiences, reflections and stories on your profile on CCC19.cchallenge.no and with people around you.
- Get support, inspiration and insights from a cCHANGE climate coach along the way.
- See experiment report sent to the Findhorn Foundation Climate Change and Consciousness Conference 2019.
The CCC2019 cCHALLENGErs plan to explore a variety of creative and innovative ways to shift the focus of climate change conversations from “climate change” to “conscious change” through individual and collective transformation.
This cCHALLENGE round will engage us all in the Findhorn Foundation Climate Change and Consciousness Conference 2019. Our aim is to BE and DO the cChange the World needs done. We will send a report of our discoveries as a resource for the conference.
Prof. Karen O’Brien from the University of Oslo and the creator of cCHANGE and the cCHALLENGE plans to attend the conference.
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