Diana Claire Douglas is the Integral City Meshworker 2018.

Diana Claire Douglas is a Systemic facilitator, coach and consultant, founder of Knowing Field Designs, artist and writer.

She is internationally certified as an Organizational Constellation Work facilitator through the Bert Hellinger Institute of the Netherlands. As an adult educator, she has facilitated groups for over 30 years. In service of humanity’s awakening, she has been tuning into the Knowing Field and constellating since 2009.

Diana Claire describes Systemic Constellation Work as a philosophy, a body of teachings, and an experiential and embodied process used to explore questions or issues, to test propositions and to design with the emerging future. She has contributed to the emergence of a new branch of Systemic Constellation Work which has evolved from Family Constellation Work and Organizational Constellation Work. Along with other facilitators from around the world she is constellating for the collective – providing societal-issue constellations, social-justice constellations, community constellations, nature constellations, city constellations and more!

Diana Claire has researched and developed Constellating for the Collective primarily with the core team of Integral City, and the core team of THC-The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence.

Diana Claire explains, how we enter the collective field through Systemic Constellation Work. She notes, that all Life is embedded in fields of information and energy. All Life is embedded in fields of consciousness. We humans access these fields, consciously and unconsciously. We are able to consciously enter the collective field through all branches (such as Family and Organization) of Systemic Constellation Work. In Constellations for the Collective, the intention is to begin in the collective field for the purpose of shifting patterns in consciousness.

Participants include individuals ready to move beyond their own personal concerns to serving the collective; leaders of visionary organizations; organizations ready to evolve; social justice groups; citizens involved with community/city concerns; facilitators of systemic constellation work (expanding from family + organizational constellations)

As lead constellator, for Integral City and THC, in the last few years Diana Claire has been grounding Constellating for the Collective through “on-life” monthly gatherings, retreats, workshops and “on-line” meetings. She has developed a simple method of connecting people into systemic constellations so that the representatives and witnesses in the constellation can be co-located locally or anywhere around the world. (This is described in Chapters 1 and 2 of the Integral City Book 2.)

Following is a list of constellations she has facilitated related to major systemic topics that challenge collectives around the world:

1. Climate change:

  1. “What does the force we call climate change want humanity to know at this time?”
  2. “Given the extreme events happening right now – wildfires in BC, earthquake in Mexico today rocking Mexico City, Hurricane Maria slamming Caribbean now…and the previous information from constellations that the rescuer (R) is blocking change, what is the relationship now between Global Healing, the rescuer and the force we call climate change?”
  3. ” What is the relationship between Mother Earth, the threats to existence, and humanity?”

2. Human impact on the environment:

  1. “Testing whether our human-designed project on reconciliation (this could be any project) is in alignment with the Creator: walking the project back through all the orders of nature to the Creator.” Based on teachings as learned through Indigenous author Lynn Gehl, Claiming Anishinaabe, what can humanity learn when we listen our right place in the order of creation — we came last?
  2. “Water is speaking, are we listening?” Constellating for the Collective gives an opportunity for all elements to give voice and for humanity to listen.
  3. “How do we settlers — with Western mindsets — come to respect Indigenous Peoples?” Shifting Western mindsets to an Indigenous understanding that All Life is Sacred may awaken our capacity to respond to climate change.

3. What can we “do”?

  1. Becoming Sacred Activists: Planting Love

“What does the Spirit of the Ottawa River Watershed wish us to know about its relationship with nuclear waste at the Chalk River Nuclear site?” The proposed nuclear dump site is an example of how the Western mindset is so out of alignment with the well-being of All-Life. The site of a now-closed , public nuclear facility, a private consortium has proposed to clean up the site by erecting a building above ground, on a fault line, 1 km from the Ottawa River — which is the human drinking water source for several million people. A group of social activists wondered what could we do? The process of the constellation showed the impact of bringing Love into the Field — shifting the awareness of the elements represented and shifting the consciousness of the participants. Activism is now sacred activism.

Big Community Constellation

In 2018, Diana Claire was part of the planning and facilitation team for the Big Community Constellation at the Integral European Conference 2018 (IEC2018) in Hungary. There 400 conference attendees participated in constellating “Restoring Peace in Europe.”

Conscious Witness Project

For the past several years, Diana Claire (along with Anne-Marie Voorhoeve from THC and other colleagues) has been co-creating the research and real-world implementation for The Conscious Witness Project. At the IEC2018 she co-created and co-presented a poster summarizing their work on the Conscious Witness research.

The Conscious Witness Project is a phenomenological research project which accesses the Knowing Field through the process of Systemic Constellation Work in order to become aware of our impact when we are witnessing — whether in a small circle of participants in a workshop or local, national and global events. After many constellations the research team has observed that the impact of the Conscious Witness is to initiate healing movements in the Field. Their experiments continue.


Diana Claire’s work in the constellation field is published in The Knowing Field International Journalthe Integral Leadership Review,  and included as chapters in two books: Marilyn Hamilton and collaborators, Integral City: Inquiry and Action: Designing Impact for the Human HiveIntegral Publishers, 2017  and ed: Michael Brabant and Olen Gunnlaugson, Cohering the Integral We Space: Engaging Collective Emergence, Wisdom and Healing in Groups, 2016.

Diana Claire lives in Ottawa, Canada with her partner and is the happy grandmother of two.

Integral City is proud to award Diana Claire Douglas, Meshworker of the Year 2018.


Definition of Meshworker

A Meshworker of the Year demonstrates the meshworking intelligence as defined on the websiteMeshworking intelligence creates a “meshwork” by weaving together the best of two operating systems — one that self-organizes, and one that replicates hierarchical structures. The resulting meshwork creates and aligns complex responsive structures and systems that flex and flow.

Candidates for the Meshworkers of the Year Award invest dollars, time, effort and expertise at a level of complexity that serves a whole city or cities. Here are our previous winners:

2017: Hub Co-Evolucio, Reus, Catalonia, Spain

2016: Morel Fourman, Gaiasoft,Africa

 2015: Imagine Durant, USA

2014: Team ARGO, Russia

2013: Populus, Canada