On Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2019, Integral City initiated an interview series with Integral Pioneers. We started with Sean Esborn-Hargens, Co-Author of Integral Ecology and Founder of Metaintegral and Metaimpact.

As Interviewer, Marilyn Hamilton, Founder of Integral City commenced her introduction with the memory of the time the two Integral pioneers first met – at the 2004 Integral Ecology & Sustainability Conference in Boulder Colorado.

Marilyn used an Interview Guide adapted from Sean’s own Metaimpact Wisdom Cards and Integral Methodological Pluralism

The questions are below – and the answers can be listened via the podcast – Click the link here.

Interview Questions

  • DEEP – What makes your heart sing? Tell us a little of what brought you to CIIS and your doctoral work and how your passions have brought you to Edinburgh (and hopefully Findhorn at Easter)? 
  • CLEAR – What practices make you feel fully alive? Give us a glimpse into your daily, weekly, monthly, annual ++ life
  • WIDE – Who has inspired you to find your purpose & to live on purpose? How have you been influenced by Wilber? David Spangler/Lorians? Morin? Others?
  • HIGH – How have your environments and ecologies nourished you? Where are they situated? Subtle, (Causal, Non-Dual) Realms as well as geographies?
  • METAVIEW – What is captivating your attention on the world stage right now? How does your MetaIntegral MetaImpact perspective offer reframes, new insights, hope for your children?
  • How will you surprise us in the next year(s).