Meet Anne-Marie Voorhoeve – Integral City Meshworker of 2019.
Anne-Marie is a strategist, social alchemist, social architect, innovative co-creator, experienced facilitator and expert in meshworking.
She focuses on the integral transformation of society into a sustainable world. She has decades of international experience with communities, businesses, networks, organizations, technology providers, groups of politicians, NGOs.
She enjoys designing, meshweaving and supporting complex multi-stakeholder projects that commit to meaningful and ambitious goals.
Recipient with the Club of Budapest of the Luxembourg Peace Prize 2017, Anne-Marie was inducted in 2019 as an Evolutionary Leader.
Anne-Marie is core team member of Integral City Meshworks and founder – partner of Integral City Netherlands. She is co-founder, director and strategic connector of the Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence.
The Hague Center operates on a global scale and is involved in both large projects and small local ones. (Sometimes bringing larger visions back to a smaller scale, sometimes using what is manifesting on a small scale and generalizing to a larger scale.)
Anne-Marie co-creates and/or facilitates international teams that support stakeholders to hold opposing truths at the same time and being able to bring this into decision making processes for governing organizations, cities, countries and groups
Certified in Spiral Dynamics integral, Art of Hosting, SQ21 spiritual intelligence and ECO-Intention she uses social technologies like The World Café, Spiral Dynamics, Open Space, U Theory, Appreciative Inquiry, Generative dialogue, Holacracy, Systemic Constellation Work and Meshworking to enable large groups of people to efficiently interact and gain access to their collective intelligence, wisdom and consciousness.
Some of the large-scale projects Anne-Marie has worked on include:
- Integral Africa co-facilitator 2019.
- The Gathering, Vienna, co-facilitator 2019.
- Co-Creating Europe Conference, co-facilitator, 2019.
- With Deep Earth Architecture, consulting to City of Hope design, Auschwitz.
- Co-creating the research and real-world implementation for The Conscious Witness Project (with Diana Claire Douglas, Meshworker of the Year 2018).
- Developing a roadmap and meshwork™ for reducing Brazil’s CO2 emissions by 80% by 2020 (with Morel Fourman, Peter Merry)
- YES: Building our capacity to lead a global Coalition for Youth Employment Case Study Meshwork (with Morel Fourman)
- For the Offices of the Future developing strategies with the Wheel of Co Creation (Barbara Marx Hubbard and Monterrey team.
In addition to all the above achievements, Anne-Marie is Chief Creative Director for the International Club of Budapest (COB) and president of COB Netherlands. She is Facilitator of Gaiasoft Ltd.
Integral City is proud to award Anne-Marie Voorhoeve, Meshworker of the Year 2019.
Definition of Meshworker
A Meshworker of the Year demonstrates the meshworking intelligence as defined on the website . Meshworking intelligence creates a “meshwork” by weaving together the best of two operating systems — one that self-organizes, and one that replicates holarchical structures. The resulting meshwork creates and aligns complex responsive structures and systems that flex and flow.
Candidates for the Meshworkers of the Year Award invest dollars, time, effort and expertise at a level of complexity that serves a whole city or cities. Here are our previous winners:
2017: Hub Co-Evolucio, Reus, Catalonia, Spain
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