My husband, Peter Dobson, was Scottish and proud of the clan motto of his army division “Sans Peur”. Without fear.
It is a motto that we could do well to follow as the pandemic covid19 flows around the world with an eerie inevitability marked with obsessive reporting by every extant media channel.

But it is difficult to turn away from the feeding frenzy of hourly reporting by country of statistics of spread, mortality and recovery rates.
We are dragged into the intimidating bludgeoning of manipulative fearmongering by a media that is more interested in generating views or click-throughs than in reporting information that can equip people with an integrated approach to responding to this biological threat that is disrupting daily lives at every level of scale.
When the unrelenting impact of negative news washes over us like repeated tsunamis of mud, how can an integral perspective enable us to ground our bio-psycho-cultural-systems perspectives of life?
For me it is déjà vu all over again. Living in Findhorn, it seems surreal that I am dipping back into my experiences of 15 and 20 years ago to dust off integrally designed strategies that can help our community respond wisely to the life conditions of covid19.
Today I am so in agreement with the “no fear” theme of Sarah McCrum. She has taken up the same theme I was writing about for the upcoming newsletter. Read her article here
Find Sarah’s Activation for Healing practices here:
Here are the links from Sarah for sharing:
Activation for Collective Healing
Lessons From Healing People That We Can Apply to Healing Humanity
Another source of integrally informed perspectives comes from Terry Pattens State of Emergence Podcasts here
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