Accelerate City Change in our VUCA World: This is a Special Integral City Reflective Organ Issue to hear from the 4+1 Voices of Integral City. As the planet of cities is in a cycle of unprecedented lockdowns, physical distancing and shielding, we want to get up close and personal with the Power of the Master Code of Care.
Urban Hub 20: Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World
… gives you the wisdom and insights of over 20 Wisdom Keepers of Integral City practices, tools and maps.
Scroll down to order your FREE e-graphic book now.
Urban Hub 20 – Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World is the twentieth book in the series from Integral Urban Hub and IntegralMENTORS. For this 20:20 vision of our VUCA world we have asked the creator of Integral City Meshworks Dr. Marilyn Hamilton to take on the task of our first-ever guest curator. Marilyn, author of the Integral City Book Series, has a vast experience in this area with a great network of fellow integralists. She has been inspired by the pioneer of city planning and sociology Patrick Geddes. His Outlook Tower, Camera Obscura and Summer Schools renewed old Edinburgh. We hope that the results of this highly readable and informative volume can renew and regenerate cities today. Together we have imagined how an Integral City Meshwork enables us to respond in a wholistic way to the life conditions of our VUCA world.
We have responded to the Meshwork Question:
How does Who design projects/responses for Whom in service to what VUCA Purpose, located Where, with what 4 Voices and Organizations, over what period of Time? How do we tell our story to the future?
Take a look inside the book with the Sample Meshwork we have created below. Then scroll to the end to obtain your own copy (206 full colour pages).
We hope you enjoy our co-creation and share it widely.

Power Conscious Change in the Human Hive
How can we face the unprecedented complex challenges our cities face today – with Coronavirus and Climate Change?
How can we create the conditions to accept, respond and transform the life of the “Human Hive” to thrive as an Integral City in a VUCA world?
Urban Hub 20 – Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World convenes a constellation of Wise Elders, Healers, Coaches and Designers in virtual space and in city hall around a model or map of your city. Each Wisdom Keeper brings their graphic model of how they serve the city’s wellbeing. As these models are set up, imagine we attune to the Spirit of the City. We ask in Silence:
- What does Gaia want?
- What does this Eco-region want?
- What does the City want?
- What do all our Human Systems want?
- What do I as a person want?
From the Silence imagine an invitation for each contributor to share their gifts. Open the covers of this book and walk through its pages – as the Lisbon Urban Arena team did. Like Lisbon, appreciate and select the models that show us how to Care for Self, Others, Place and Planet. Now let’s use this wisdom within our cities, between our city-regions and around the globe to:
- Collaborate with one other.
- Catalyze collaboration with others located in our own places.
- Accelerate city transformation globally.

How and Where to Order Free Graphic e-Book
You can order the graphic book in two formats – Slideshare for a Free pdf download. And Issuu for viewing as a Free Online Flipbook.
If you want a hardcopy – then order from Amazon. Here are all the links.
SlideShare: FREE Download
ISSUU: Free Online Flipbook (Issuu registration required)
Amazon: Order Hard Copy
- ISBN-10:1660970334
- ISBN-13:978-1660970339
UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1660970334
Spain https://www.amazon.es/dp/1660970334
This Urban Hub 20 Announcement is part of a series of Blogs. Find the links to all of them below.
News Flash – Urban Hub 20 Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World
Urban Hub 20 – See What’s Inside
Urban Hub 20 Imagines the Human Hive in a Vuca World
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