This newsletter is published quarterly using a cycle of perspectives on the Integral City viewed from: Planet, People, Place and Power. The theme of this issue is People.
The chronicles of cities show us with certainty that a people who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it. This knowledge combines the subjective and intersubjective life of the populace — the individual and collective consciousness— that must be mindful of the biological and structural life of the city.
Only in our conscious awareness (attention and intention) can we engage with the issues that are truly important in the external, visible, physical, objective and interobjective life of the city. It is yet again a reminder of the holographic nature of the city and how each of the four integral perspectives (subjective, intersubjective, objective and interobjective) necessarily includes all of the four integral perspectives.
Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive. Edition 2. 2019. Minneapolis, MN: Amaranth Press, p.21
Scroll to end of newsletter to access Free Resources.

Spontaneous Unity Arising
It is June 2020 and the first season of pandemic life which is in full swing in the global south is sliding into the second season of tentative release from lockdown, in the global north. Out of the depths of despair that following the pandemic statistics can bring, other positive and lifegiving energies are emerging.
The Solstice marks the date of publication of this newsletter and also marks the commencement of World Unity Week (WUW).
Visionary author Dr. Jude Currivan , co-Founder of WholeWorld-View commented:
” Love lies at the heart of a growing and collective perception of the inter-connectedness and innate unity of the whole world. ”
WUW is launched to recognize civil society as the sleeping giant that has awakened to its power to create great global movements for the transformation of humanity. (Civil Society is one of the 4 Voices of the City, representing the WE and the Heart of the Integral City.) Beginning with an Indigenous-led global Opening Ceremony that follows the sun starting on Friday, June 19, 10:00 PM EDT, it leads to a World Unity Ceremony with over 100 NGOS and all the Interfaith and Inter-spiritual voices of Mother Earth on June 20, at 8:00 PM EDT.
The solstice broadcast and the week-long program are being carried by media platforms such as Unify, UPLIFT, the SINE Network, and Shift Network , comprising a potential audience of over 10 million people.
On June 23, 2020 World Unity Week is initiating the convergence of many of the different networks in the field of cities and regions. The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence and Integral City will co-facilitate with partners the emergence of a visible global network of cities and eco-regions. We will use the Integral City GPS (see below) so that everyone can find their piece of the path in the emergent Cycle of Meshworking. We expect to progress through the stages of Networks – Community of Practices – Meshworks. Pragmatically this means that in WUW 20-27 June 2020 we will focus first on the Network phase.
We will create “a Convergence around Urban Hub 20” to explore how we an co-create meshworks in individual cities with the practitioners, catalysts and meshworkers who live and work there. In other sessions we will enable “Open Space” sessions to host critical conversations that lead to practical actions. We come together to collectively shape our common future, build momentum, inspire hope and catalyse deep transformation. Join us by registering here for the conference. Then find us on the Trello Board for the time and zoom room June 23, 9am EDT 1500 CEST.
WUW will end on June 27th with a celebration for the 75th Anniversary of the UN Charter.
World UNITY Week, is not intended to be a “one off” event, but is an open invitation for the global community to join in the monthly celebration of “The Global Days of Unity”, leading towards the 11 Days of Global Unity culminating in a large-scale global celebration across Peace Weekend 2020 (September 19-21), centered on the annual U.N. International Day of Peace (September 21).
Integral City Footnote: We plan to be part of the Caravan of Unity, aligning with Co-Creating Europe and the Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence to create the opportunity for cities to explore Lifemaps from mid-summer to the Peace Weekend.

Humanity Rising Up
Parallel to WUW, Humanity Rising Solutions (HRS) continues (it started in May 2020) with daily broadcasts from 5-7pm CEST. Convened by Ubiquity University, and lead by President Jim Garrison and Chief Innovation Officer, Peter Merry, HRS plans to continue until the pandemic has abated and/or lockdowns are lifted.
Humanity Rising represents a movement of people and organizations coming together to take counsel on how to leverage the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic into an opportunity for human renewal and increased resilience to future challenges.
The goal of the Summit is to create an international coalition strong enough to transform conversations that matter into actions that make a difference.
Readers are invited to register here, and come together to chart a global and local course to new specifications, navigate with sustainable coordinates, and embrace new models that take the wellbeing of our planetary ecology and all communities into account.
Each day’s events are recorded and accessible from the Library for download. Marilyn Hamilton of Integral City had the honour of contributing The Evolutionary Impulse of Integral Cities to the June 10 exploration of Whole Systems Change (along with Richard Barrett, Hans Andeweg and Peter Merry). Get the recording link here.
Integral City will be back on July 16, leading a panel on Solutions for the Human Habitat.

Integral City GPS Wakes Up All Paths
The publication of Book 1 Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive inspired the creation of the GPS. It is a tool to help us discover the intelligences in cities – and for Practitioners, Catalysts and Meshworkers to discover their piece of the puzzle that contributes to making the whole city fully alive.
For WUW, we offer the bonus of a podcast explanation of the GPS operation here.
The 12 Intelligences embedded in the GPS are explained briefly on the Integral City website here. They are also explained in each chapter of Book 1, Edition 2 Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive.
We share the explanation of the GPS design – and its 3 bezels (in this extract from Book 2 Inquiry & Action: Designing Impact for the Human Hive, Appendix C3).
Homo sapiens has built several types of cities—we focus on three types of cities: the Smart City driven by technology and industry; the Resilient city driven by ecological and eco-regional interdependencies; and the Integral City driven by the Master Code.
The Integral City GPS tool locates these 3 city types on 3 bezels that can move both independently and in synchrony.
At the core of the Integral City GPS lies the Evolutionary Intelligence, which provides the energetic impulse that drives all the other intelligences. Recognizing that every city emerges along an Evolutionary trajectory is also a core distinction of an Integral City . Read the full story here.

Congrats to Integral City Beyond Smart Online Grads
We are pleased to congratulate 4 Cohorts of the Grads from our Beyond Smart Online courses. Meet them as members of our Integral City Mighty Network. You can join and interconnect with the growing Integral Nest City Community of Practice – just click here.

Upcoming Integral City & Constellation Events with People Purpose
Keep abreast of our Integral City Events on the Mighty Network – just click here.
Integral City will be offering Beyond Resilient Online as an online course in September 10-26, 2020. Offered in 7 x 1/2 day sessions by Marilyn Hamilton and Beth Sanders – this is the natural next step for grads of Beyond Smart Online (or equivalent experience/training).
Join Marilyn Hamilton/Integral City monthly for our free zoom Views from the Balcony – 8am BST – 2nd Wednesday of month: July 15, August 12, Sept. 16, Oct. 14, Nov. 18, Dec. 16.
Or join Beth Sanders/Nest City monthly for our free zoom Street Corner Visiting – – 8pm BST – 4th Tuesday of the Month. June 23 is the next visit.
Explore how Living Cities Russia is convening the VII “The Time of the Creators” online in Moscow, Izhevsk, Zverevo, Rome, Amsterdam and other cities June 20 – July 4, 2020. Click here for the schedule and details.
Urban Hub 20 – Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World
is the twentieth book in the series from Integral Urban Hub and IntegralMENTORS. For this 20:20 vision of our VUCA world Marilyn Hamilton, author of the Integral City Book Series, has been inspired by the pioneer of city planning and sociology Patrick Geddes. His Outlook Tower, Camera Obscura and Summer Schools renewed old Edinburgh. We hope that the results of this highly readable and informative volume can renew and regenerate cities today. Together we have imagined how an Integral City Meshwork enables us to respond in a wholistic way to the life conditions of our VUCA world. Read about the Contents here.
Listen to an Interview about the book here.
Here are 3 ways to access the book:
SlideShare: FREE Download https://www.slideshare.net/PauljvsSS/urban-hub20-accelerating-citychangein-a-vuca-world-thriveable-cities
ISSUU: Free Online Flipbook https://issuu.com/home/published/urbanhub20-vuca3
Amazon: Order Hard Copy
- ISBN-10:1660970334
- ISBN-13:978-1660970339
Book 1 Edition 2 – Integral City Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive – new Foreword by Elisabet Sahtouris
Evolving City Intelligences multiply and integrate all city capacities. How are we evolving the human hive? 60% of humanity now lives in cities. Can city dwellers, like bees who pollinate the fields, act so intelligently, they add value to the planet? How can the clash of differences that separate people, purpose, profits and priorities generate fresh energy to solve 21st century VUCA problems? How do we propagate new pathways for community learning and give the 4 Voices of the city, fresh hope?
Marilyn Hamilton was an early researcher of Integral frameworks. Integral City Edition 2 is a significant application of the Integral model to the city scale of human systems. With more than 60% of humanity now living in cities, I recommend you learn how Integral City gives us critical intelligences to evolve the human hive. —Ken Wilber, Integral Philosopher & Visionary, Author: Sex, Ecology & Spirituality; Integral Vision; Integral Spirituality
Every city can enhance its own health with the unique and wonderful tools of this book and its field book, which enable readers to go deeply into, and thus truly understand, their city’s collective human psyche along with its physical infrastructure and thus to move forward in the way of genuine living entities. Read this book, share it with every ally you can, take it to your City Hall and get moving. There is a better world for us all ahead! Foreword to Edition 2, Elisabet Sahtouris, Evolution Biologist
You Matter More Than you Think: Quantum Social Change in Response to a World in Crisis
by Karen O’Brien
You Matter More Than You Think is the starting point for an inquiry about quantum social change and its implications for climate change. The book explores how the metaphors and meanings of quantum physics can contribute to new understandings of the relationship between individual change, collective change, and systems change. It considers how paradigms and practices can change the way we relate to each other, the environment, the planet, and the future. This is a book for those who are interested in social change, and open to the possibility that each of us can contribute to an equitable and thriving world. It is also for those who are concerned about climate change and may be feeling a deep anxiety about the future and if /how they matter. Most of all, it is about why you matter more than you think. Scroll to Free Resources below to obtain downloadable pdf pre-review copy.
Integral City notes that this book advances the science behind Book 1 of the Integral City Book Series (see above) – we appreciate Karen’s “shout out” about our use of fractals in the Integral City Maps.Voices, Intelligences, Maps
Nest City: How Citizens Serve Cities and Cities Serve Citizens
Beth Sanders, argues that our linear ways of thinking about, organizing and planning our cities does not meet the true nature of cities as complex and messy systems. There are no simple solutions to the challenges we face: many citizens don’t feel they belong; we don’t agree about how to best move around; many don’t have jobs, or homes they can afford; we make running businesses challenging; and we are facing challenges with the climate crisis. At a time when understanding the relationship between our physical, economic and social habitats is essential, Sanders sets forth an approach to work with the disruptions of our times, drawing on her experience as a city planner and a relationship-broker in the conflicts that surface in city life. The result is a book that articulates the importance of having a sense of direction, being willing as citizens and cities to learn along the way, and accept the uncertainty and messiness of cities as opportunities to improve our cities–so they serve citizens well. Nest City will forever alter the way you look at your city, your local public institutions and community organizations and business–and how you think about and contribute to your city. Order your copy here.
Celebrating People in the Planet-of-Cities in the Coming Quarter of 2020
June 21 marks the start of what Integral City calls the People Quarter (from June 21 to September 20). Who is waking up in your city? How can the GPS help you attract and align the 4 Voices of the city? How can you imagine starting with a network, moving to a Community of Practice and then a Meshwork to solve problems in your city? Visit us on the our Integral Nest City Mighty Network or Blog. We want to know how you have been inspired by World Unity Week and Humanity Rising to work together with others?
Meshful Blessings for all People on our Planet of Cities from
Marilyn Hamilton and the Integral City Constellation Corps Team
PS Here are some FREE resources for Waking Up our Human Hives:
World Unity Week Online Summit
Humanity Rising Solutions Online Summit – Now Until Pandemic Cycle Resolves
Book Pre-Release, Dr. Karen O’Brien You Matter More Than You Think: Quantum Social Change in Response to a World in Crisis
The Ecologist, Herbert Girardet: Coronascene Manifesto
Guy Dancey, PracticalUtopian: Who are We? Where are we Going? Some Reflections in this COVID-19 Time
Integral City Blogs
- Urban Hub 20 Series:
- Reframing 10 Urban Injustices: With Master Code of Care
- Integral City GPS Wakes Up All Paths
- Series on Right-Sizing Cities:
7. Newsletters Past Issues 2020 and 2019
- Integral City Reflective Organ – June 2019: 4 Voices Imagine the Human Hive
- Integral City Reflective Organ – September 2019: Strike the City vs City on Strike
- Integral City Reflective Organ – December 2019: Power Over – Power With – Power As
- Integral City MetaBlog 2019 – A synthesis and index of all Integral City Blogs from 2019.
- Integral City Reflective Organ March Equinox 2020: Superordinate Goal in a VUCA World
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