“If you can find the calm centre of yourself, you may be able to impact 1000 other people.” That was a proposition I heard David Spangler offer in mid-summer this year and became the inspiration for our Findhorn Islands of Calm meditation.

It seemed perfect timing to answer a question we had asked in our Findhorn Covid Action Group – “How can we integrate Subtle Activism into our strategy for strengthening our community immune system in these VUCA times (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous)?”

Our Findhorn Subtle Activism Guide, Mary Inglis offered instruction for a Subtle Activism meditation. And so, we started to gather on Zoom at 9:30 on Saturday mornings.

Our gathering is a form of sharing circle as well as meditation. We start by noticing the Calm and/or turbulence that has touched our lives in the last week. Then follows the meditation that guides us to find the Centre of Calm in ourselves. We offer the inner qualities we seek or yearn for in the outer world – Peace, Comfort, Joy, Compassion, Strength, Clarity. We are guided to invite in Subtle Allies from the Angelic Realms, Nature, the Four Directions, Sidhe – any help from the invisible realms who support and comfort us.

We might notice anxiety from the changes to the community through NFA or Findhorn Foundation. We have remarked on uncertainties about implementing government lockdown regulations, re-opening the Sanctuary, attracting attendance to the Whole Community Meditation, failing health of relatives, progress on the Phoenix mosaic, job losses/changes, Brexit-Visa impacts, etc.

But we have also shared after the meditation the sense of Oneness, Grace, Love, Peace, Trust, Gratitude, Joy, Respect, Cooperation, Playfulness, Clarity and Expansiveness, that arises from our practice.

Our Islands of Calm meditation is a strengthening practice for ourselves and all the lives we touch directly and indirectly. I am deeply grateful for all who have made it a regular Saturday Event to start the weekend (listed on Weekly Events at the end of RB).  All our welcome.