Dear Integral City Reflective Organ Reader

Ubiquity University Team (including Integral City) wants to invite you to an Open House on Zoom July 7 at 11:30 AM PST where we will be discussing our evolving plans to build a worldwide system of Regeneration First Responders. We launched the effort with Kate Raworth and her course, Foundations of Doughnut Economics, which drew over 350 students from 45 countries.

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During this event, we will highlight our inclusive, dual-track approach which includes both our new Master in Regenerative Action (MRA) as well as ways you can access the learning and community connections you need to thrive in the coming years even if you are not an enrolled student. We are building one community and you are welcome to participate whether you seek a degree or you simply want the skills you need to navigate the coming storm in a regenerative way. We will describe our efforts to build a Regeneration Incubator/Accelerator, Investment Fund and Internships to support Regenerative Action coming out of the MRA. (Find out how the Integral City Beyond Resilient, Beyond Smart, Cities Rising for a Regenerative World and City Nestworking are all part of the MRA.)

Regenerative Action could not be more urgent in a global situation that could not be more dire. 

Please read this blog from Arctic News from last week. Rising temperatures, fueled by massive releases of methane from Siberia, are creating global climatic conditions so severe that, according to the scientists writing the blog, it is possible that humanity might go extinct by 2026. 2026 is not a typo. Our world is radically spinning out of control and there is no imperative more urgent than for all of us to become Regeneration First Responders. Please also read this article by Eduard Müller, President of the University of International Cooperation and co-founder of the MRA, which both emphasizes the severity of the crisis and also what we can all do about it. It’s very late but not too late. Regeneration can still work if we come together with a single common purpose to regenerate the world.

The MRA has been established to develop a global network of Regeneration First Responders, especially in bioregions and in cities. The MRA is supported by a coalition of over 40 groups worldwide which is growing every day. The purpose is to link knowledge about our increasingly turbulent world with action to regenerate the world. You can take the courses toward a degree or you can take the courses simply to learn more about regeneration, develop an Impact Project and join a global network of First Responders.

All of us everywhere, no matter who we are, what we do and where we live, must take the deteriorating global situation absolutely seriously. We can still turn things around if we act fast and in the spirit, intelligence and competencies of regeneration.

Become a Regeneration First Responder. Join the Open House to learn more.

In the spirit of radical regeneration,

Ubiquity University Team, University of International Cooperation, GPM, Integral City