Kate Raworth’s Donut Economics provides the foundation for a Planet of Integral Cities to see themselves both internally through what you call placecaring and placemaking, but also externally through the interaction with other cities in the world and how they enable social justice and Earth system balance.

As Integral City recognized AAmsterdam as the Integral City of the Year 2019 (because it demonstrated all the Integral City GPS intelligences in action), Kate’s Amsterdam City Portrait identifies key steps to put the Donut into practice:

  1. Embrace the 21st Century Goal. Aim to meet the needs of people within the means of the living planet.
  2. See the big picture. Recognize the potential roles of what Integral City calls the 4 Voices to transform and synergize economies : Citizens (household); Business Innovators (market); Civic Managers (state); and 3rd Sector/Civil Society (commons).
  3. Nurture human nature. Promote diversity, participation, collaboration, and reciprocity. (This relates to your borrowing of the roles from the honey bees: diversity generators, conformity enforcers, resource allocators and inner judges).
  4. Think in systems. Experiment, learn, adapt, evolve and aim for continuous improvement. Expect non-linear “messiness” through dynamic feedback loops and tipping points.
  5. Be distributive. Work in the spirit of open design and share the value with all who co-create it. (This relates to Integral City’s Master Code of Care: for self, others, place, planet.)
  6. Be regenerative. Aim to work with the cycles of the living world (as Integral City sets out in Living Intelligence.)
  7. Aim to thrive rather than grow. (This aligns with your proposal to “right size” cities so they can thrive on purpose adding value to all life on Earth.)