Futures Lab Russia, July 2021, invited Integral City to imagine cities in 100 years. This series of blogs comprises the lecture that was offered by Marilyn Hamilton PhD, Founder of Integral Cities.

Development Strategies

Gaia Continues: Not surprisingly the roots of Gaia-centric designs for city wellbeing  offer us a way of imagining the human hive that we can explore with the core principles of living systems, the 12 intelligences, 5 maps and 4 Voices.

Essentially these core principles of meshworking for city development include the following:

Implement the Master Code

1. Create an Agreement to Work Together with the Formation Team (including all 4 Voices), based on the Master Code: Take care of Self, so that you can care for Others, so together we care for our Place(s), and all of us can care for our Planet.


Honor the Spheres

2. Identify the change condition of the ABC spheres of the city container, map them with the GPS and Discovery Profiles. (Figure 5).


Recognize Threat(s)

3. Name and evolutionarily map the environmental threat(s) in the system – overcoming the dissonance that provides the impetus or catalyst to change (Figure 6).


Develop with Purpose

4. Identify the purpose for developmental change – create the vision for changing the city from what to what (e.g., Traditional to Modern; or Modern to Post-Modern; or Post-Modern to Integral)?


Engage Stakeholders

5. Use Integral City maps 1,2,3,4, 5 to find the agents for developmental change – engage all the 4 Voices (as many stakeholders in the process as possible) – actively seek out diversity and make room for difference.

6. Enable leadership to emerge to champion the development and address the threat(s) at the appropriate levels of complexity (Figure 6).


Facilitate Change Processes (summary of City Development)

7. Amplify the resources available for development from all 5 maps (in Step 4) so others can see them (e.g., in scenario planning).

8. Amplify the threat(s) to development so others can see it/them (Figure 6).

9. Integrally identify the resources needed to facilitate the change and invite and involve stakeholders to contribute to them (Figure 6).


Design with Integral Methodologies

10. Use Integral City Master Code, GPS, Intelligences and Principles as checklists to determine “right action”.

11. Co-design Integral methodologies for developmental change that self-organize passion, purpose, priorities, people, and planet. Expect it to be messy.


Learn from Feedback Loops

12. Create reflective feedback loops and Integral vital signs monitors (based on Navigational Intelligence) so that participants can self-correct and develop operational structures that work.

13. Make the feedback accessible to all by communication, publication and display; e.g., community gatherings, community newspapers, online media, real time intelligence display systems.

14. Pay forward to other stakeholders, cities, the Integral learning for development, evolution and adaptation.


Practise the Master Code

  1. Take care of Self, so that you can care for Others, so together we care for our Place(s), and all of us can care for our Planet.


MH: Ok, I can see how this is not easy work for existing cities – but I think necessary for us to regenerate our relationship with you Gaia. We have not been very respectful of you as our Mother. And I can see that unless we take these steps then you may decide that our cities are not a successful evolutionary experiment to become Gaia’s Reflective Organs.