Futures Lab Russia, July 2021, invited Integral City to imagine cities in 100 years. This series of blogs comprises the lecture that was offered by Marilyn Hamilton PhD, Founder of Integral Cities.


MH: Thank you Gaia.  I can see that Integral City evolution for the next century starts with a commitment to practising the Master Code. A spectrum of strategies is needed to effectively align city development with Earth’s 3 ecosystems and evolutionary strata.

We must apply our GPS intelligences to ensure the survival of the human species long enough for us to mature beyond the over consumption of our natural capital in every eco-region on this planet to cooperate, collaborate and co-evolve with you Gaia.

Thus, we have many generations of Integral City capacity building ahead of us to create self-sustaining human habitats on our home planet. This will require us to grow the capacities of collaboration, community, and urbanization beyond any context the human system has ever evolved. We will need to work at multiple scales simultaneously – at the multiple scales of human systems nested within the city as a whole: systems, organizations, families/groups and individual leadership.

Furthermore, applying evolutionary strategic design will not just be useful for considering different approaches to cities in the developed and developing worlds, but also to designing new cities that embrace the developmental trajectory of the human system at all scales. What’s more, these design approaches can also apply to designing space stations, and space colonies (such as those being considered by Musk on Mars (Titcomb, 2017). And these design elements certainly presage Book 4 in the Integral City series, with its exploration of the evolutionary eras of the human hive.

MH: At the beginning of this lecture, I started with this question.

“How can we design a city for the wellbeing of our granddaughters and future generations in a way that adds value to all Life on Earth?”

I asked: “How do we wake up, grow up, clean up and whole up the human hive? Why should we care for her resilient souls, understand the context of people’s goals, develop organizational capacity for critical roles, amplify sustaining energy flows or heal the traumatic impact of warring blows?”

Now I hope from this exploration with you Gaia, we can learn how to craft a Curriculum for Schooling a Planet of Integral Cities 2121. Let us collaborate to reframe and regenerate what it means to live fully alive in in our human hives not just for the next 100 years –  but well beyond that. 

Good News

Gaia: And as an epilogue I would like to share, that you are not alone. You invite others into the wisdom of Integral Cities through the training that is forming the foundations of Schooling for a Planet of Integral Cities. And your annual awards of Meshworker of the Year and Integral City of the Year make visible the progress we are making.

In addition,  I notice that a host of Wise Peers and Elders have much to support us in our work of regenerating cities and creating a planet of Integral Cities – I share just 4 in subsequent blogs:

Elisabet Sahtouris, Vandana Shiva, Kate Raworth, Duane Elgin