On Oct. 28, 2021 Humanity Rising convened the team who will anchor the 12-day broadcast on COP 26. Lead by Jim Garrison, President of Ubiquity University he shares our intentions with this map of conference broadcasts.
Humanity Rising: COP26 Humanity Rising Special Coverage: Understanding the COP
Jim Garrison opened the Humanity Rising Broadcast Gateway to COP 26 with these words:
In 1995, the first Conference of Parties (COP) was convened in Berlin by the UN as the reality of the climate crisis was beginning to dawn on the governments of the world after 40 years of warnings by climate scientists. Since that time, governments, corporations and scientists have met and discussed what should be done to avert climate disaster but have essentially taken little action. In 2015, the COP in Paris achieved a consensus that all governments would lower their carbon emissions but very little has been done. The latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicates that we are now in “unprecedented territory,” which the UN Secretary General states means “Code Red for Humanity.” The upcoming COP in Glasgow takes place within Code Red.
Presenters & Anchors for the Humanity Rising Broadcast:
- Jim Garrison, President and Founder Ubiquity University
- Marilyn Hamilton, Founder, Integral Cities Meshworks
- Indra Adnan, Co-initiator, The Alternative UK
- Rob de Laet, Member, Green Wall
- Stephanie Mines, Founder, Climate Change and Consciousness
- Ed Muller, Founder and CEO, University of International Cooperation, Regenerate Costa Rica
- Lesley Southwick Trask, Chief Development Officer, Ubiquity University, Coordinator, Global Regeneration CorpsFull
Further links to Ubiquity University and Humanity Rising Coverage can be found here:
Description: https://ubiverse.org/events/humanity-rising-day-350
Library of Recordings: https://www.youtube.com/c/UbiquityUniversity/videosEach Zoom live webinar will have a maximum capacity of 500 participants. If you are not able to join on Zoom, we will be live streaming here on the UbiVerse and on:
UU Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UbiquityUniversityOnline
UU YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/UbiquityUniversity
The detailed Humanity Rising schedule can be found here: https://humanityrising.solutions/agenda/
If the maximum amount of Zoom webinar participants is reached you can watch the live stream here:
If you missed a session the recording can be found here:

This blog series follows the gathering, proceedings and commentary on COP 26 in Glasgow Scotland from October 30 to November 12, 2021.
The series includes the following blogs (unfolding as COP 26 unfolds):
COP 26, Preparing the Ground – Code Red on Humanity Rising Day 350
COP 26, Cities are Gaia’s Regeneration Hubs
A COP26 Message from the Subtle Realms, via David Spangler
COP 26 Day 1 Humanity Rising Day 351: Code Red for Humanity
COP 26, Day 1 Humanity Rising Day 351: Inside-Outside COP
COP 26, Day 2 Soil our Future Beneath our Feet
COP 26, Day 3-7 Humanity Rising Global Panels Infographic
COP 26, Day 8 Cities are Gaia’s Regeneration Hubs Infographic
COP 26, Humanity Rising Day 9-10-11 and 12 Grand Finale
COP 26, Day 12 People’s Declaration
COP 26, Forests Saving our Planet
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