The next stage of my journey was by rail from Hexham Northumberland to Nottingham to meet Sue Cooper – friend, colleague and graduate of the Integral City Beyond Resilient Course.

Sue’s husband Ashley, describes her as a “force of Nature” – and indeed that became apparent on our first stop from the train station – to a rendezvous in a treehouse to meet Alex Peace Gadsby with Jackie and Claire – the initiators of Positively Empowered Kids. They are all working towards creating the conditions for Kids to thrive. Alex has extraordinary experience as Chair of Guides/Scouts and  International Representative of Children to Europe and UN. From an entrepreneurial background she has been able to translate her knowledge of dynamic private organizations into the 3rd sector and is clearly integrating the 3 other Voices of the City – business/innovators, citizens and civic managers to raise funds and focus on the wellbeing of children and the Voice of Youth.

From a treehouse in the afternoon to the blissful garden of Dr. Liz Fradd  the next morning, Sue gathered all 4 Voices of Nottinghamshire to meet each other and listen to how each of them has a passion for creating thriving conditions for Youth Voice in Action. Jas Bilku and Shama Gupta represented Business/Innovators, Merlita Bryan wearing the hat of Councillor (and past hats of Sherrif and and Lord Mayor of Nottingham) and Dr. Karen Neil Pharmacist of Health Education and could speak as Civic Managers, Marion Delucq  as Citizen Voice with Citizens U.K.. All listened with deep respect to Claire and Jackie introduce their initiative of Positively Empowered Kids (PEK) – with a special focus on the Festival planned for September. Inspired to meet again before the festival to provide support and outreach that would enable all children to attend with a Free Ticket – the 4 Voices moved from Inquiry to Action with strong intentions to make an Impact with the PEK festival.

Continuing on the theme of Nature gardens, Sue and I dropped into Nina Dauban’s  garden for an experience of Peace and to visit her Peace Pole. Sue attuned her “Sacred Heart of Emergence” pendants to Nina’s inspiration and poem. As Executive Director of Notthinghamshire Community Foundation, Nina has special interest in the Youth Voice in Action initiatives and made several useful suggestions how Positively Empowered Kids Festival could apply for funds (duly communicated to Jackie and Claire as we departed the garden). Her open-hearted, mindful energy brings the “Mother/Master Code of Care” to life – as symbolized in the pendants and  expressed in this poem.

The sacred heart of the Emergence

Can you feel the beauty in every part

Its causes, its wisdom, its living art

Can you sing the song of flying free

Of dancing with life, how it’s meant to be

Can you be with great joy as we join it together

Surrendering to love, the emerging endeavour

What if we offer a Temple of New?

What’s is possible for us, what can we do?

How can we honour this sacred court

A spirited response from our Unified heart.

Nina Dauban 2018