It isn’t just that this time of year is a naturally transitioning time as we enter Advent in the Christian world, and experience that change of season – in the North presaging Winter with late Fall and in the South pursuing full summer with late Spring.
It’s not just that this last quarter of the year, naturally calls us to consider what has gone before and what we are transiting into next.
It’s not just that seasonal change bedecks our trees with different hues.
It’s not just that the local climate shifts from one season to another.
It’s not just the time where we take our seasonal clothes out of storage and choose to dress more comfortably.
All of this is happening as a natural cycle of seasons – but on a larger scale this seems a Time of Transition on an epoch scale. This year is not just the shift of first order change.
This year seems to have all the indicators of second order change.
We are living through not just a change of season but the transformation into a different era.
Ironically, the traditional media report all the symptoms as an unremitting litany of negatives, tragedies, undoings that threaten us all – threaten our way of life, how we learn, what it is safe to invest in, what we eat, where we travel, when we retire, why we vote, if we parent well, badly or at all.
Meanwhile around the world clusters of humans (from small to medium to large groups) are experimenting with how to human well (better, best …).
We are waking up to the possibilities that what we have experimented with in our once new groups is now maturing into a whole new phase of becoming. We seem to be moving from the inward focusing, individual thriving to outward focusing – if not outreaching – and collective emergence.
Are we even moving from the stage of competition that brought us to where we recognize that the Earth, biodiversity, climate change, pandemic survival tactics are opening us to cooperation and collaboration?
We can look into the style/opportunities for living that any of these patterns/frameworks enable and recognize life can be good, optimistic, and even hopeful.
And the people who belong to these practices – even movements – are beginning to notice that we are no longer practicing on our own. Other groups that we can see across the street, across town, in the same bioregion – and even on the other side of the world, resonate with what we are learning, how we are living, and where we are aiming to go.
Is it possible this is not a temporary transition – but one that is gathering enough energy, information and matter to contribute to a quantum shift?
Is our beloved Spaceship Earth – Gaia – waking us up with seeming disasters of climate change, pandemics and war – so that we realize that for the survival of humans and all life, we must change?
Is the Sacred Season 2022, the shift space/time wave for body, mind, heart and soul that is building into a tsunami of epochal change? Are we ready to start the learning journey for the next 100 years?
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