This is part of a series of blogs reflecting on the program of Integral Europe Conference 2023,  whose theme was Planetary Awakening 2.0. This blog introduces a Keynote  from the conference – curated in an Action Research Format – summarizing What the speaker said, So What could we take as the meaning? and Now What are options for action.

What did Ken Wilber say about Planetary Awakening?

Waking up,  growing up, opening up, cleaning up, showing up – all co-emerge in 4 quadrants.

What can you do?

  • Make short videos re Integral application
  • Have Integral conferences in neighbourhood
  • Take Integral approach to all issues and problems

Integral framework maps everything.

Small Gatherings grow into larger conferences and gatherings …Like Integral Africa.

Thanks to IEC …to Bence Ganti and IEC team for long history of conferences.

Bring in problems, stages of development…POV as filters even for clothes you choose to wear 😂.

Showing up following AQAL 8 zones …use questions in Integral model.

There is room for anything in Integral framework.

Start continent wide conference as part of planetary perspective.

Opening up refers to multiple Intelligences….open up to all of them and incorporate them into your lives.

Cleaning up is psychotherapeutic…

“Where it was … I shall become” (Freud).

I to it …Freud wanted to take it and return to I.

Reidentifying with symptoms … Fritz Perls cured neurosis as he created/used gestalt therapy.

There are many ways multiple Intelligences help to create emotional wholeness …we live [in/with/as ] moral, aesthetic intrapersonal, social, spatial intelligences.

Each intelligence develops through stages

We/I become full and whole.

In the fullness of unity of the whole,  life embraces multiple intelligences.

So what could this mean?

We have much opportunity as beings with AQAL capacities. We can develop and express multiple intelligences. There is no challenge or problem too small or big that we cannot use an Integral approach – the Integral Framework maps everything.

This enables us to gain a wholistic perspective and worldview.

We can work with others who have different multiple intelligences to expand our capacities even further.

When we remember Freud’s insight to move out of the objective “it” into the subjective “I” we expand our capacity to become more of who we are.

Gestalt practice enables us to clean up our shadows by having direct conversations with them (as “its” and “I’s”) and moving from dissociation to owning all of who we are.

The cycle of waking, growing, opening, cleaning, showing up gives us a natural path of development that allows us to awaken as a planet of Integral Beings – both individual and collective.

Now what can we do?

Here are 3 possible actions/responses we can take for Planetary Awakening:

  1. Set an intention and create a practice to assess and grow our capacities for waking, growing, opening, cleaning and showing up. Map your intention one one or more of Integral City Maps.
  2. Start locally with group gatherings – including the 4 Voices –  to discuss issues or challenges using Integral lenses – then grow the gathering over time.
  3. Join with others to create Integral Conferences that over time grow along a path locally, regionally, nationally, continent-wide to develop globally as Gaia’s Reflective Organs.