Where has the Blogger in Chief been for the last couple of months?
True confessions – I have been contributing in various ways to the life of Park Ecovillage Findhorn (and assisting Learning Cities. Earth to expand into a Swiss Association (Verein) and Community Interest Company (CIC in Scotland – but those are another series of stories).
It might interest the reader to know some of the thinking and background that goes into developing an Ecovillage as it matures from teenager to young adult:
- How to re-think the stewardship of Commons?
- How to transfer land holdings from a founding organization to the community?
- How to design Governance for a community of organizations?
- How to develop a Local Place Plan with the Community?
- How to think about the Purpose of our Park Ecovillage Findhorn?
Let’s start by sharing some thoughts about Purpose in the ecovillage.

Purpose is the DNA of any living organism.
What is essence of Purpose?
Humans are Gaia’s Reflective Organs. (James Lovelock). I believe human settlements/cities/towns/villages are the Organs, Organizations are like organelles and Individuals are like Cells in the Organs.
Park Ecovillage Findhorn (PEF) has a Purpose in service to Gaia. Gaia has evolved this place, people persons to be in service to her. I/We/It/Its are the expressions of her reality.
We live this Purpose through our emotions, relationships, behaviours and systems. Purpose flows through our Mind, Spirit, Organs, Body. Purpose is fractal – turning up in repeated patterns at different scales. Purpose is holographic – expressed as a whole, representing Oneness, Unity.
Purpose is holonic and social holonic – unique to each person and revealed in each group/organisation and human settlement.
PEF is a human settlement which contains the holons and social holons of individuals, families, groups, associations, organisations, sectors, neighbourhoods, communities and settlements like villages, towns, cities.
As a human settlement PEF has had a statement of Whole Community Purpose that served it as the community has evolved in its relationship with the Findhorn Foundation (FF).
As a conscious community we strive to demonstrate a practical spirituality in harmony with Nature and play our part to positively transform humanity and the earth.
FF has had its own purpose which has also evolved over time – particularly in the last year FF has changed almost everything about itself. But FF has continued to affirm its allegiance to its 3 founding principles:
- Work is Love in Action
- Deep Inner Listening
- Co-creating with the Intelligences of Nature
And FF has chosen to focus its Purpose on Spiritual Education.
For that reason FF has also chosen to divest itself of land and amenities that are not needed to serve that purpose. And the Community has responded by negotiating a 3-stage agreement to buy significant lands and amenities from FF. By stepping into this decision, the Community is attuning to a statement of Purpose that resonates with and serves Planet, Place, People and Person.
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