19 09, 2024

Listening to Local Place Plan Voices – Economy, Education, Enterprise – 5/5

By |2024-09-19T13:37:03+00:00September 19th, 2024|A. Contexting Intelligences, Building - Structures, C. Collective Intelligences, Events, Householder Dharma, Integral Maps, Meshworking, Storytelling - Cultures, Voices|0 Comments

This is a series of Infographics that share the journey of the 4 Voices of the Park Ecovillage Findhorn, Scotland. The stories follow them as they explore integral perspectives while they collaborate on preparing a Local Place Plan to deliver to Moray municipality. The articles were originally published in the Rainbow Bridge - the [...]

5 06, 2024

Post Partum Suffering for a Greater Reality

By |2024-06-11T07:37:55+00:00June 5th, 2024|A. Contexting Intelligences, Emergence, Inner, Lifecycle, Storytelling - Cultures, Voices|0 Comments

This week Ecovillage Findhorn has immersed ourselves in a Purpose Quest. We learned from 5 Inspirational Sources (see full inspirations here). Whole Community Purpose Strategic Framework Global Ecovillage Network Dorothy MacLean Patrick Lewington From these inspirations, we drafted 8 Potential Purpose Statements (see them here).  And from these we identified 5 Themes: Spiritual [...]

5 03, 2023

Connecting with Community in 21st C: Nature

By |2023-03-06T14:21:45+00:00March 5th, 2023|Emergence, Householder Dharma, Master Intelligence, Spiritual intelligence, Voices|0 Comments

This is a series of blogs inspired by the Edinburgh International Centre for Sustainability and Peace, 2023 Forum: Connecting with Community in the 21st Centure: Spiritual, Social, Policy Perspectives. This was delivered by Marilyn Hamilton, March 1, 2023. At Findhorn Ecovillage we also have deep connections with non-human communities in our eco--region – [...]

16 12, 2021

Integral City Region of Year 2021: UrbanA, Urban Arenas for Sustainable and Just Cities

By |2021-12-16T13:07:21+00:00December 16th, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, Building - Structures, C. Collective Intelligences, Caring, City of Year, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Ecosphere, Emergence, Events, H. Research, Inquiry, Integral Maps, Lifecycle, Master Intelligence, Meshworking, Navigating - IVSM, Placecaring, Placemaking, Storytelling - Cultures, Voices|0 Comments

UrbanA culminated in creating the 4 Sets of 17 Keys for unlocking Sustainable and Just Cities. Integral City of the Year 2021 is a city association spanning a whole region: Urban Arena Europe - affectionately known as UrbanA. In its trans-European work over the last few years, UrbanA has made visible many of [...]

29 09, 2021

13 Recommendations from R3.0 Blueprint for Education – How do they apply to the city?

By |2021-09-30T16:35:11+00:00September 29th, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, B. Individual Intelligences, Dialogue, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Inquiry, Integral Maps, Lifecycle, Navigating - IVSM, Voices|0 Comments

This is another Interview from the Balcony. And today I'm just delighted to have as my guest Anneloes Smitsman. I've been following her work over many years and now today I have the delight of having a conversation with her. And before we get started, just let me share some of Anneloes background. It's [...]

13 10, 2020

4 + 1 Voices  Generate Antibodies of Care in the Pandemic City

By |2020-10-13T14:56:47+00:00October 13th, 2020|Caring, Caring, Emergence, Householder Dharma, Placecaring, Voices|2 Comments

Every Voice of the city has a role to play in the city as we all experience the pandemic. Each Voice is experiencing a different challenge, but each Voice can respond in positive, life-giving ways. As we respond in positive ways, we generate antibodies of Care which are the real strength behind the effectiveness [...]

10 09, 2020

Humanity Rising. Ubiquity University. Integral City. Join our Circles of Care

By |2020-10-06T12:59:27+00:00September 10th, 2020|Action, Designing Impact, F. Training, Inquiry, Integral Maps, Online Course, Spirituality, Ubiquity University, Voices|0 Comments

Because of the pandemic, Ubiquity University cared enough to reach out to the world with Humanity Rising. Integral City answered and now we reach out to you in partnership with UU. Be one of the Daring Dozen who takes the new course, Beyond Resilient: Integral City Inquiry Action Impact. Find out why lead [...]

21 03, 2020

Optimizing & Optimistic Resources for Integral City Practitioners

By |2020-03-21T15:09:46+00:00March 21st, 2020|Action, Capacity Building, D. Strategic Intelligences, Designing Impact, Integral Maps, Voices|0 Comments

Some years ago after the Integral Europe Conference 2014 I published a series of blogs inspired by Dr. Roger Walsh's keynote on how integrally-informed professionals could be of service to the world. He and others have remarked about the underpinning and overstanding and interpenetration of OPTIMISM that an integral worldview can bring to "Karma [...]

20 11, 2019

Integral City Stories for Our Times

By |2019-11-19T06:42:34+00:00November 20th, 2019|A. Contexting Intelligences, Integral Maps, Storytelling - Cultures, Voices|0 Comments

“People need stories more than food to stay alive.” (Barry Lopez) That observation has always been one of my favourite insights into the depths of human nature. When I review the epic voyage to 10 cities (BC Canada: Delta, Vancouver, Mission, Abbotsford; Scotland: Findhorn, Edinburgh; India: Auroville, Chennai, Agra, Delhi) in the last six [...]

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