19 12, 2021

Integral City Ecosystem: 10 Years Incubating Gaia’s Human Hives

By |2022-01-26T16:20:57+00:00December 19th, 2021|C. Collective Intelligences, Capacity Building, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Enlivening Edge, Knowing Field, Master Intelligence, Meshworker of Year, Meshworking, Systemic Constellation Work|0 Comments

10 years ago, Integral City sponsored the first major outreach project after the publication of the first book in the Integral City book series (2008, Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive). We called our online initiative Integral City 2.0 Online Conference or ELab 2012 for short. Before Zoom was ubiquitous, we [...]

31 05, 2021

5+ Ways to Regenerate our Cities with Doughnut Economics

By |2021-07-05T11:46:45+00:00May 31st, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, B. Individual Intelligences, C. Collective Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Ego, Enlivening Edge, Ethno, Global/Worldcentric, Online Course, Spirituality, Ubiquity University|0 Comments

Integral City is partnering with global coalition on co-creating a Master in Regenerative Action. We have come together with Ubiquity University (UU) and the University of International Cooperation (UCI) and Green Project Management (GPM) and a global coalition of other academic institutions, NGOs and professional organizations to launch a whole new MBA degree. We call it a Master [...]

25 09, 2019

The Power of the Pebble

By |2019-09-25T20:36:29+00:00September 25th, 2019|B. Individual Intelligences, C. Collective Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, Enlivening Edge, Inner, Lifecycle, Outer|0 Comments

What happens when we turn up in our organizations and discover the presence of a “pebble”? Our human systems are living through a time when a small act can cause an enormous result—like the power of a pebble to precipitate a land slide or an avalanche. When I look at a city and [...]

6 09, 2019

Citizen & Civil Society Organizations Evolve with Lessons from the Honey Bee

By |2019-09-06T13:21:08+00:00September 6th, 2019|A. Contexting Intelligences, B. Individual Intelligences, C. Collective Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Ecosphere, Emergence, Enlivening Edge|0 Comments

Integral City identifies 4 Voices of the City: Citizens, Civil Society, Civic Managers and Business/Innovators. Each of these Voices has organizational forms, but some are more developed than others. The organizational voices of Civic Managers and Business/Innovators are commonly expressed through their public and private institutions both of which have decades of practices and [...]

20 03, 2019

Integral City Reflective Organ – March 2019: Are Cities Evolving as Gaia’s Reflective Organs?

By |2019-03-28T09:30:33+00:00March 20th, 2019|A. Contexting Intelligences, Book 3, Capacity Building, Caring, Caring, Contexting, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Emergence, Enlivening Edge, Integral Maps|0 Comments

This newsletter is published quarterly using a cycle of perspectives on the Integral City viewed from: Planet, People, Place and Power. The theme of this issue is Planet. … when we look at the scale of life on this planet, we notice that cities as human systems are in the center of the [...]

20 03, 2019

Are you a Member of the 10%?

By |2019-03-21T21:06:24+00:00March 20th, 2019|A. Contexting Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, Enlivening Edge, Integral Maps|0 Comments

This article by Marilyn Hamilton was published in Enlivening Edge Magazine, March 5, 2019 In my descriptions of cities as living systems, it’s clear that the wellbeing of the city depends on the wellbeing of its organizations and its citizens. Moreover, the development and evolution of the city into something approaching an Integral/Teal City, depends [...]

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