Integral City 2019 Calendar of Events & Training
Here is our 2019 Calendar of Events & Training for Integral City. Click here to download pdf 2019 Events Calendar.
Here is our 2019 Calendar of Events & Training for Integral City. Click here to download pdf 2019 Events Calendar.
I tend to be a big picture thinker. So, when I survey all the cChallenges that are underway with the ccc19cChallenge, I recognize that we are drawing on resources or capitals that arise from the larger community that I call Meta-Findhorn. My colleague Sean Esborn-Hargens of MetaIntegral has identified 10 Capitals that most [...]
Monocities. Living Cities. Integrated City. I encountered all those associations and descriptions of city activity in my visit to Russia in November 2017. It was amazing to see the impact that Integral City´s frameworks, toolkits and books were having after my visit to Urbanfest in 2014 when Book 1 (Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for [...]
Hub CoEvolució engaged with the 4+1 Voices of the cities of Reus and Tarragona in Catalonia Spain to co-create an International Congress on Integral Cities. They set out to transform the world through cities by bringing together people from “here, near and far”. A healthy city is the one that continually creates and [...]
This is one of series of blogs that are a retrospective reflection on Integral City Community of Practice’s experience in taking the In This Together (ITT) course on basic facilitation The ninth and final class of the course focused on enjoying our roles as facilitators. We started with a reminder that facilitators do well to consider the old wisdom that [...]
Integral City meets Integral Theory Conferencers on our Pop-up Playground Lunch July 17, 18, 19, 2015. Why join the fun?? Enjoy “Pop-Up” HARVEST Lunchbox that is supplied. Attract spontaneous, unexpected, unplanned diverse people to discover in the moment what you can do together. Co-create time, space and spirit to gather, mull, CONSTELLATE and digest energies [...]
Can you invent Tier 2 organizations without being embedded in an ecology/economy of Tier 1 organizations? Dojos of Oranizations (Adapted from Spiral Dynamics, Beck & Cowan, 1996) As I consider how Reinventing Organizations casts light on Reinventing the City, I am speculating that so-called Tier 2 organizations cannot exist without the competencies of [...]
How can you optimize the impact of "integral"? That was the question asked by Roger Walsh at his keynote at the Integral Europe Conference. As ever, his wisdom was framed to inspire practise as well as contemplation. We always gain insights about Integral City work from Roger's guidance (see the blog series on "5 Practical Steps [...]
Civil Society has a new opportunity in the city. It was voiced a little tentatively at the ITC2013 Learning Lhabitat . Participants asked, " are we on the right track?" Civil Society: The New Integrator Voice of the City We have written, in an earlier blog about the new integrator voice open to a [...]