17 06, 2021

Thought Experiment 2 Egocentric Worldview: Spiral Dynamics, Integral City & Doughnut Economics

By |2021-07-05T11:50:09+00:00June 17th, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, Building - Structures, C. Collective Intelligences, Capacity Building, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Ego, Integral Maps, Navigating - IVSM, Storytelling - Cultures|0 Comments

We continue our Thought Experiment in this instalment by looking at Doughnut Economics (DE) and its relationship to Spiral Dynamics and Integral City through an Egocentric Worldview. As we noted in our first blog, the Egocentric Worldview spans Levels 1 and 2 in Spiral Dynamics (see Table 2). An egocentric worldview embraces the [...]

31 05, 2021

5+ Ways to Regenerate our Cities with Doughnut Economics

By |2021-07-05T11:46:45+00:00May 31st, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, B. Individual Intelligences, C. Collective Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Ego, Enlivening Edge, Ethno, Global/Worldcentric, Online Course, Spirituality, Ubiquity University|0 Comments

Integral City is partnering with global coalition on co-creating a Master in Regenerative Action. We have come together with Ubiquity University (UU) and the University of International Cooperation (UCI) and Green Project Management (GPM) and a global coalition of other academic institutions, NGOs and professional organizations to launch a whole new MBA degree. We call it a Master [...]

4 05, 2017

Integral City Designs for Collective Impact

By |2017-05-07T16:13:45+00:00May 4th, 2017|A. Contexting Intelligences, Action, Book 2, C. Collective Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, Designing Impact, Ego, Ethno, Global/Worldcentric, H. Research, Inquiry, Inquiry, Placecaring, Placemaking, Storytelling - Cultures|0 Comments

When Integral City works with a city like Durant, we design with a framework based on Values and the 4 Voices of the Human Hive. Our methodologies are designed around the principles for collective impact embedded in: Appreciative Inquiry Action Research The 4 Voices include the Citizens, Civil Society, Civic Managers and Business. [...]

10 06, 2014

Preamble Russian Book Launch in Moscow: Gateways to Wellbeing in Integral City

By |2017-04-07T02:57:27+00:00June 10th, 2014|city, Ego, Ethno, G. Levels: Developmental/Evolutionary, Inquiry|0 Comments

How do you prepare for a book launch of the Russian translation of Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive? Dmitry Baranov, Publisher of the Russian Translation and Founder of iPraktik asked for an interview. And special thanks to Victor Shiryaev for the translation - which Dmitry then published in Russian in the Theory and [...]

18 08, 2013

Civil Society – Occupy the New Integrator Voice for the City

By |2017-04-07T02:57:28+00:00August 18th, 2013|city, Ego, Ethno, Global/Worldcentric, Learning Lhabitat, Master Intelligence, Spirituality, Storytelling - Cultures|5 Comments

Civil Society has a new opportunity in the city. It was voiced a little tentatively at the ITC2013 Learning Lhabitat .  Participants asked, " are we on the right track?" Civil Society: The New Integrator Voice of the City We have written, in an earlier blog about the new integrator voice open to a [...]

22 02, 2013

Integral City Map 5: Embracing Spirituality in the Human Hive

By |2017-04-07T02:57:30+00:00February 22nd, 2013|C. Collective Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Ego, Emergence, Ethno, Global/Worldcentric, Master Intelligence, Spiritual intelligence|11 Comments

Integral City how do I capture your spirit? Map 5 gives us a glimpse into the spiritual energy of love, that is ever-present in the Human Hive, as we live on the edge of evolution. Integral City Map 5: Spirituality in the Human Hive Where is it possible to sense the spirit of [...]

15 02, 2013

Integral City Map 3: Relating Change to Exchange

By |2017-04-07T02:57:30+00:00February 15th, 2013|Building - Structures, Ego, Ethno, Global/Worldcentric, Inner, Lifecycle, Outer, Storytelling - Cultures|10 Comments

Integral City how do we relate to your constant changes and exchanges? Map 3 reveals the cycles that flow through and around your prolific eco-system. Integral City Map 3: The Scalar Fractal Relationship of Micro, Meso and Macro Human Systems In the city, as individuals we grow our capacities. When life conditions trigger [...]

20 04, 2011

Almere Principles Guide City Growth

By |2017-04-07T02:57:38+00:00April 20th, 2011|A. Contexting Intelligences, B. Individual Intelligences, C. Collective Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Ego, Ethno|3 Comments

Almere NL, a city of 190,000 is getting ready for a "scale jump" to double in size by 2030. Seeking guidelines to renew and transform itself, in 2008, it invited Cradle to Cradle authors William McDonough and Michael Braungart to craft principles by which the city could grow sustainably in balance with its unique polder environment and [...]

6 11, 2010

Integral City Interview Zoom’d Radio/Voice of America

By |2017-04-07T02:57:42+00:00November 6th, 2010|A. Contexting Intelligences, B. Individual Intelligences, C. Collective Intelligences, city, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Ego, Ethno, Global/Worldcentric|0 Comments

Marilyn Hamilton talks to host John Schmidt of Avastone Consulting  re Integral City on Zoomd Radio. Click here for the link. We talked about the Integral City as the Human Hive - and how that enables Leadership, Relationships and Resilience. Examples that were used included New Orleans and Burning Man. Listen to the broadcast or download it [...]

8 09, 2010

Australia, Minority Governments and What the Human Hive is Saying About Eco-Regions

By |2017-04-07T02:57:42+00:00September 8th, 2010|Building - Structures, C. Collective Intelligences, climate, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Ecosphere, Ego, Ethno, Global/Worldcentric, Lifecycle, Navigating - IVSM, Storytelling - Cultures|3 Comments

I have been watching the outcome (or not?) of the recent Australian election with some interest. I have been thinking about swarming (as in what can we learn from the bees when they swarm?). My bee sources (books, articles, movies) tell me that the swarming process is a kind of hive decision. That when it [...]

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