Who are City Business – Developers, Innovators and Artists?
City Business Developers build the “body” of the city. Developers of the City of the Future integrate sustainability, ecology, spirituality plus elegance, order, flexibility and flow.
City Business Developers like to have big picture frameworks of successful projects — both for social and cultural purposes. Combinations of entrepreneur and dream-maker, they are always on the lookout for a development opportunity grand enough to attract others but that is, at the same time economically viable. Developers tend to live in the future, where their projects are complete and they can move on to the next challenge. Developers can often design whole systems with innovative technological capacities. They can be adaptable and quick to change, politically adept with freedom to choose. The best developers can embody task and people skills with equal competence.
Business Developers of the City of the Future are interested in sustainability, ecology and even spirituality as features of their innovations. But they are often confronted with outdated planning approvals, antiquated building codes, unwilling trades people and citizen resistance to change. Nevertheless, they suspect that behind all the surface chaos, exist elegance, order, flexibility and flow. They anticipate that science can integrate the increasing complexities of life for the City of the Future.
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Marilyn Hamilton says:
Alastair McIntosh says:
Lev says: