Business: Build and Manage Technology Systems
Develop and Align Delivery Systems
Delivery systems can be value chains, service providers, distribution pipelines or technology systems. Unless they are totally technology based, their performance is all dependent on human systems dynamics.
To develop and manage delivery systems effectively it is necessary to map, motivate and manage the human systems involved. One of the most useful approaches to map key human factors is a cultural alignment assessment.
A cultural alignment assessment can map:
- Readiness and willingness to change
- Community values
- Individual team member values
- Organizational structures
- Worker / work alignment
- Ways of thinking
Traditional cultural assessments have used tools like Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI); values assessments; leadership inventories; team maps; and work process mapping.
New internet 4Q8L e-tools combine multiple tools into one culture scan. The best example is Integral City MeshSCAN (see Figure 1).
MeshSCAN e-Tool
Dr. Marilyn Hamilton, the co-developer of the MeshSCAN e-tool, reports the following about MeshSCAN:
“Integral City offers a truly Wholistic Template for the examination and diagnosis of existing communities whilst enabling the effective design of the future.”
This particular assessment is part of the growing application of Integral City eTools and draws upon extensive and ongoing research to provide insight into:
- The nature of the overall ‘Fit’ between individuals, their organizations and their communities;
- The multiple bottom lines of today’s circular economy: Purpose, Principles, People, Profit, Planet;
- An assessment of the dominant ways of thinking, the value systems and core intelligences that are arising in the community/city;
- An assessment of the change state of the community/city and the nature of change that may be being experienced;
- An assessment of the executive intelligences that predominate within key organisations.
- The present and desired organising codes of the organisation, community or city;
- Preferences for 1st and 2nd Order Change;
The whole basis of MeshSCAN (Lite and Full versions) is that there is the possibility today of designing and healthily aligning organizations, communities and cities. Healthy alignment has a significant impact on the creation of energy for successful, productive, profitable economy as opposed to cultural misalignment which will cause disharmony, disruption and severely hamper desired outcomes, timescales and sustainable prosperity.
Marilyn Hamilton says:
Alastair McIntosh says:
Lev says: