In October, 2024 I had the privilege to learn from Iain McGilchrist – the polymath author of The Master and His Emissary and The Matter with Things.
Iain spoke at the Future of Humanity (a one-day discovery event, sponsored by the Science and Medical Network).
McGilchrist proposed that humans were definitely in a polycrisis (or metacrisis as Jude Currivan prefers). And our meta/polycrisis was caused by humanity losing touch with its soul. “How could we reconnect with our soul?” McGilchrist asked.
By reconnecting with Beauty, Truth and Goodness.
I have written in the editorial (December 2024) how this proposition inspired me to appreciate the essence of the service that Park Ecovillage Findhorn offers the world – Being Hospitable to the Soul.
But McGilchrist reminded me to return to my work that emerged through the Integral City Map 5 – the Map of Spirituality in the City.
All of a sudden I could see that map captured the co-creation of our incarnation as Beauty Truth and Goodness.
As Spirit we incarnate from Source/Love through the Involutionary path of our energetic existence.
As we incarnate we reveal the Beauty, Truth and Goodness through which we impact Grace, Place and Space.
As incarnate beings we develop our soul journey back through the Evolutionary Path to return to Source.
This In-Spiration and En-Soulment are complementary energies that flow through us and around us like a Torus.
(Read more about how the Big Three of Beauty, Truth and Goodness are related to the 4 quadrant framework that is represented in Integral City Map 1.)
In exploration with Nish Dubashia 2 years ago, we discovered how this Involutionary/Evolutionary Model is represented in essentially all belief systems in some way.
The “Generic Model” of Spiritual/Soul journeys is captured in Map 5.
However, when we add to the Map 5 the fragmentations that occur when we lose our coherence, then this model reveals the meta/polycrises. We can we see the impact of destroying our connections to Beauty Truth and Goodness.
The individual becomes disturbed when Beauty is Broken:
When Truth is Displaced:
And when Goodness is Disrespected:
When we look at all three conditions being broken we find severe disunity and breakdown like this – represented across all the fractals of Person (Self), People (Others), Place and Planet.
Instead of living with Gaia’s/Master Code of Care – we experience loneliness, disconnection, anxiety and unhappiness – the very opposites of what life lived with Care offers for Self, Others, Place and Planet.
When any one of these fundamental incarnate qualities of Care is broken, then we become misaligned with and disempowered from our individual human souls. And when this happens in the collective then we create the conditions we call meta/polycrisis.
On the other hand if our individual practices can keep our Inspirited selves (on the Involutionary path) aligned with our Evolutionary selves (on the Evolutionary Path) then we live coherently with Beauty, Truth and Goodness.
After considering the power of these insights, all of sudden I had a beautiful picture of the filaments of energy emerging from our Evolving selves – grounded in our Beauty, Truth and Goodness incarnations – combining in a rising stream of energy filaments when we are in the collectives of our family, groups, workplaces, communities and cities (see Integral City Map 2).
When our Evolutionary/Involutionary energy torus is thus revealed – we can easily see that we are indeed creating Indra’s web – but in a multi-dimensional way that if we could see it would reveal a whole Field of Ensoulment Energy filaments.
I am not sure that I can ever again enter a room of people without sensing into the Field of our Souls dancing together – Connecting their/our energies – influencing Grace, Place and Space.
Moreover, for a place like Park Ecovillage Findhorn I am sure we are creating conditions that are Hospitable to the Soul.
(I am so grateful to the Local Place Plan Team, Iain McGilchrist, Alastair McIntosh, Nish Dubashia for inspiring this mycelial web of Souls.)
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