September Greetings, Integral City-zens and Friends of Integral City  

 Today’s Integral City Sparkie for the City Body:

 When we reframe the city, from being merely the built environment outside of us, to the built environment as simply an extension of us, our relationship with the “objective” city becomes ever so much more personal.      Hamilton, M., 2008, Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive, p.240

 Listen for the change of season with our new Meshcasts, Telecourses and other integral news – read on…

  1.  Download NEW mp3 Meshcast Interviews with Integral Activist Terry Patten & Integral Developer Lawrence Bloom here:   
  2. Join the Telecourse Sept 16-Oct 7, 2010 The Map, The Mesh and The Human Hive –– details and registration at  
  3. Check out the new Profiles for Meshworkers, Catalysts, Practitioners here:  
  4. Read the Research on City Values and Integral Vital Signs Monitor – check it out at  
  5. Register for Royal Roads University, January 2011– July, 2011 Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Community Development Grad Certificate  
  6. Join the Dialogue with Terry Patten and 27 spiritual leaders at Beyond Awakening Free Teleseminar Series  
  7. What if we aren’t planning to survive?  Join Alberta Association of Canadian Institute of Planners at their annual conference, Lake Louise AB, October 17-19, 2010. Join us.  
  8. Join Renaissance2, Oct. 14, 2010  Making a Living While Making a Difference, Free Webinar  
  9. Attend Renaissance2, Oct. 21-25, 2010, Thrive! Gathering: Real Challenges, Inspired Innovators, Transformative Outcomes  
  10. Attend Business Innovation for Sustainable Growth. Globe Forum Dublin in November 17-18, 2010. Marilyn Hamilton, Keynote Speaker on Integral City Innovation, Evolution & Resilience
  11. 11.  Register for Royal Roads University, Nov. 22, 2010 The Human Hive: Creating Intelligent Livable Cities 
  12. Participate in the workshop Nov. 25-26,2010  Grok, Talk, Walk and Rock Spiral Change Agendas for All the Generations in Integral City  Pre-Register  
  13. Nominate your City for Globe Forum, Jury of the Globe Sustainable City awards (in Stockholm in May, 2011).

 …meshful blessings for new seasons, north south east west… 
