4 07, 2010

July-Dec. 2010 Sense in the City Where Why How

By |2017-04-07T02:57:42+00:00July 4th, 2010|Classroom course, D. Strategic Intelligences, Dialogue, F. Training, Inquiry, Meshworking, Navigating - IVSM, Telecourse|0 Comments

July Greetings, Integral City-zens and Friends of Integral City   We are already into the second half of 2010! Happy 4th of July to American readers! This is a quick link summary of what we have been up to in the first half of 2010 and where we will be going in the second half of 2010. (These are [...]

6 07, 2009

The Change the World Needs Now!!

By |2017-04-07T02:57:44+00:00July 6th, 2009|Classroom course, F. Training, G. Levels: Developmental/Evolutionary|0 Comments

I just returned from two weeks in Europe, designing the Renaissance2 Great Shift Conference in Perpignan France for October 22-26; and workshopping Integral City in the Netherlands with Centre for Human Emergence NL, EnlightenNext NL, The Hub, the Integral Institute for Sustainability and Danslab. Europe is in a much more positive frame of mind than [...]

20 05, 2009

10 Summer Learning Opportunities

By |2017-04-07T02:57:44+00:00May 20th, 2009|Classroom course, Dialogue, F. Training, Telecourse|1 Comment

May Greetings, Integral City-zens and Friends of Integral City     Today's Integral City Sparkie for the City Mind: A city which can merely feed, clothe and shelter its citizens lacks the intelligence to sustain itself, because the intelligence for sustainability comes from a commitment to learning about self, others and our shared life conditions.  Hamilton, M., 2008, [...]

3 05, 2009

Integral Bio-Security Resources for Swine, Avian Flu

By |2009-05-03T00:29:37+00:00May 3rd, 2009|Classroom course, Ego, Ethno, Global/Worldcentric, Inquiry, Level 7 Yellow|0 Comments

Mayors need a framework appropriately complex to respond to the emergence of zoonotic diseases (ie. diseases that cross over from animal populations into human populations) (Sapient Circle, 2004). These threats make demands on emergency response systems that are not merely complicated, but are complex. This means that the interconnections of animal and human health systems, through diseases such as SARS, West Nile Disease, BSE, E-Coli and Avian Influenza, create exponential levels of complexity. It appears that zoonotic bio-emergencies are more dynamic and subject to sudden jumps in severity, than non-bio-emergencies, because the underlying viral/biological elements are capable of learning or adapting to their human environments/life conditions. Thus they require complex non-linear approaches to develop successful response strategies.

21 04, 2009

SDi – Introductory Evening

By |2009-04-21T18:27:26+00:00April 21st, 2009|Classroom course|0 Comments

To be confirmed - but mark your calendars:  An Introduction to SDi at 7 pm on May 25 and/or June 17 at the Canadian Memorial United Church at 16th and Burrard in Vancouver. Pre-Registration required via email to marilyn@integralcity.com . Presented by Michael Keller and Dr. Marilyn Hamilton

21 04, 2009

SDi Confab Training of Trainers Presentation

By |2009-04-21T18:26:02+00:00April 21st, 2009|Classroom course|0 Comments

Come to Dallas, Texas SDi Confab - May 25-27, 2009, join Dr. Don Beck for SDi Level One. Details are available here http://www.sdiregister.com/  May 28-May 31, 2008 join Dr. Don Beck  Spiral  Dynamics integral Level Two  "Cultural Dynamics and Nation-Building and SDi Train-the-Trainer Training".  Details are available here   http://www.sdiregister.com/SDi-Level2-Confab.php   Dr. Beck will be joined by Elza Maalouf LLD,  Dr. Marilyn Hamilton, Dr. Bruce Gibb and the [...]

21 04, 2009

Communicating for Change

By |2017-04-07T02:57:45+00:00April 21st, 2009|Classroom course|0 Comments

Join us for 2 learning events co-sponsored by BC Centre for Social Enterprise, & BC Healthy Communities. Details & Registration at 250-356-0892 or www.bchealthycommunities.ca May 12, 2009  Taking Stock: How Resilient is Your Community? Presenter: Michelle Colussi, Canadian Centre for Community Renewal Time: 9:30 am - 4:30 am (registration opens at 9:00 am) Location: Clayburn School, 4315 Wright Street, Abbotsford BC [...]

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