16 08, 2021

Gaia Mentors Schooling for a Planet of Integral Cities 2121 (10) Development

By |2021-08-16T12:52:59+00:00August 16th, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Lecture|0 Comments

Futures Lab Russia, July 2021, invited Integral City to imagine cities in 100 years. This series of blogs comprises the lecture that was offered by Marilyn Hamilton PhD, Founder of Integral Cities. Development Strategies Gaia Continues: Not surprisingly the roots of Gaia-centric designs for city wellbeing  offer us a way of imagining the [...]

16 08, 2021

Gaia Mentors Schooling for a Planet of Integral Cities 2121 (9) Systems Reframe

By |2021-11-05T09:53:56+00:00August 16th, 2021|D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Lecture|0 Comments

Futures Lab Russia, July 2021, invited Integral City to imagine cities in 100 years. This series of blogs comprises the lecture that was offered by Marilyn Hamilton PhD, Founder of Integral Cities. Table 1: Paradigms & Levels of Complexity (adapted from D. Beck with permission) MH: If things are this precarious, how can [...]

16 08, 2021

Gaia Mentors Schooling for a Planet of Integral Cities 2121 (8) Nature Economy

By |2021-08-16T12:49:49+00:00August 16th, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Lecture|0 Comments

Futures Lab Russia, July 2021, invited Integral City to imagine cities in 100 years. This series of blogs comprises the lecture that was offered by Marilyn Hamilton PhD, Founder of Integral Cities. Nature Economy Gaia Continues: Along with these evolving population profiles, life conditions are also shifting in cities around the world, producing [...]

16 08, 2021

Gaia Mentors Schooling for a Planet of Integral Cities 2121 (7) Demographics Evolve

By |2021-08-16T12:48:31+00:00August 16th, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Lecture|0 Comments

Futures Lab Russia, July 2021, invited Integral City to imagine cities in 100 years. This series of blogs comprises the lecture that was offered by Marilyn Hamilton PhD, Founder of Integral Cities. Figure 6: Demographic Profiles of Four Societies (Page & Johnson, 2011) Demographic Profiles Evolve As we are observing, people are not [...]

16 08, 2021

Gaia Mentors Schooling for a Planet of Integral Cities 2121 (6) Powers of 10

By |2021-08-16T12:46:58+00:00August 16th, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Lecture|0 Comments

Futures Lab Russia, July 2021, invited Integral City to imagine cities in 100 years. This series of blogs comprises the lecture that was offered by Marilyn Hamilton PhD, Founder of Integral Cities. Figure 4: Human Systems to the Powers of 10 (McCaffrey et al) Powers of 10 Framework Gaia Continues: Mark McCaffrey has [...]

16 08, 2021

Gaia Mentors Schooling for a Planet of Integral Cities 2121 (5) Population Growth

By |2021-08-16T12:45:28+00:00August 16th, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Lecture|0 Comments

Futures Lab Russia, July 2021, invited Integral City to imagine cities in 100 years. This series of blogs comprises the lecture that was offered by Marilyn Hamilton PhD, Founder of Integral Cities. Figure 3: Human Population Growth Past & Future (Page & Johnson, 2011) Population Growth MH: Now I have a better idea [...]

16 08, 2021

Gaia Mentors Schooling for a Planet of Integral Cities 2121 (4) World Threats

By |2021-08-16T12:44:05+00:00August 16th, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Lecture|0 Comments

Futures Lab Russia, July 2021, invited Integral City to imagine cities in 100 years. This series of blogs comprises the lecture that was offered by Marilyn Hamilton PhD, Founder of Integral Cities. Figure 1: Brief History of the Universe and World. Source (Eddy, 2005) Cities are Unequal: Cities are Diverse MH: I am [...]

16 08, 2021

Gaia Mentors Schooling for a Planet of Integral Cities 2121 (2) Imagine Gaia Thrives

By |2021-08-16T12:40:40+00:00August 16th, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Lecture|0 Comments

Futures Lab Russia, July 2021, invited Integral City to imagine cities in 100 years. This series of blogs comprises the lecture that was offered by Marilyn Hamilton PhD, Founder of Integral Cities. With such oppressive scenarios to contemplate, I am going to call up my radical optimism to have a conversation about cities [...]

16 08, 2021

Gaia Mentors Schooling for a Planet of Integral Cities 2121 (1) Big Challenges

By |2021-08-16T12:39:04+00:00August 16th, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Lecture|0 Comments

Futures Lab Russia, July 2021, invited Integral City to imagine cities in 100 years. This series of blogs comprises the lecture that was offered by Marilyn Hamilton PhD, Founder of Integral Cities. In this lecture, I want to share a conversation with Gaia herself. She has offered to mentor me about how her [...]

5 07, 2021

Open House for MRA – Regeneration First Responders

By |2021-07-05T21:19:45+00:00July 5th, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, B. Individual Intelligences, C. Collective Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Emergence, Navigating - IVSM, Online Course, Ubiquity University|0 Comments

Dear Integral City Reflective Organ Reader Ubiquity University Team (including Integral City) wants to invite you to an Open House on Zoom July 7 at 11:30 AM PST where we will be discussing our evolving plans to build a worldwide system of Regeneration First Responders. We launched the effort with Kate Raworth and her course, Foundations [...]

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