19 05, 2022

Recovering Cities Through Living Cities Peace Room (2/4)

By |2022-05-19T14:18:16+00:00May 19th, 2022|A. Contexting Intelligences, Action, Caring, Complex Challenges, Emergence, Integral Maps, Master Intelligence, Navigating - IVSM, Storytelling - Cultures|0 Comments

What is Broken? How can Integral Cities learn from Gaia, endowed as her Organs of Reflection? How can we imagine an ecology for the emergence of Peace? What City Capacities can we draw on to recover wellbeing at all scales of human existence – person, people, place and planet?  In using the Russian-Ukrainian conflict [...]

8 04, 2022

Brain Gain – How Ukrainian & Russian Brain Drain Will Change Europe

By |2022-04-09T10:27:13+00:00April 8th, 2022|A. Contexting Intelligences, Action, B. Individual Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, Designing Impact, E. Evolutionary Intelligences, Emergence, Lifecycle, Master Intelligence|0 Comments

I am a Canadian of a certain age who remembers clearly what it was like to live in Toronto in the era of Vietnam Draft Dodgers. In the 1960’s and 70’s young men of draft age beat a steady path to Canada to preserve lives, education and future opportunities. Estimates of about 125,000 men [...]

16 03, 2022

Reflective Organ Newsletter March Equinox 2022: Fact, Fake, Fantasy

By |2022-04-18T12:46:41+00:00March 16th, 2022|COP26, Designing Impact, F. Training, Novella, Reframing, Spiritual intelligence, Storytelling - Cultures, Ubiquity University|0 Comments

This newsletter is published quarterly using a cycle of perspectives on the Integral City viewed from: Planet, People, Place and Power. The theme of this issue is Planet. When we take the perspective of Caring for Planet, we gain the Overview of a Living System Cosmology that embraces all of the Cares into [...]

29 09, 2021

Signs of Hope at Findhorn CC

By |2021-09-30T16:40:51+00:00September 29th, 2021|Action, Building - Structures, Caring, Caring, Designing Impact, Dialogue, Householder Dharma, Inner, Spiritual intelligence, Storytelling - Cultures|0 Comments

Last week when I was interviewing, futurist Dr. Anneloes Smitsman about her r3.0 Educational Transformation Blueprint, she remarked about the importance of feedback and celebrating the special moments of life in community. They are like rites of passage. That reminded me to tell her of our experience here in Findhorn Ecovillage this year. [...]

7 09, 2021

Long Covid? Re-Sizing, Right-Sizing, Re-Shaping Cities

By |2021-09-07T16:10:25+00:00September 7th, 2021|A. Contexting Intelligences, Building - Structures, Designing Impact, Ecosphere, Integral Maps|0 Comments

Yesterday I read an article in the Economist that shows how the centres of large cities have imploded since the start of the pandemic. Businesses have shut down and/or moved out or moved their workers home. https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/the-new-economics-of-global-cities/21804271 That has meant that the services that deliver people, goods, food, supplies and support to downtown [...]

8 05, 2021

Doughnut Economics Scholarships for Master Regenerative Action

By |2021-05-08T13:14:59+00:00May 8th, 2021|Building - Structures, Designing Impact, Navigating - IVSM, Ubiquity University|0 Comments

Integral City is a partner with Ubiquity University in designing and delivering the Master in Regenerative Action. Explore the potential. Find out why Regenerative Action is vital to our existence now. Listen to UU's Chief Innovation Officer, Peter Merry explain why: Start with the Doughnut Economics course - it's easy with free or partial [...]

18 01, 2021

Cities Rising for a Regenerative World: Governing with Life-cycle Patterns

By |2021-01-18T18:01:25+00:00January 18th, 2021|Building - Structures, Capacity Building, Designing Impact, Integral Maps, Lifecycle, Master Intelligence, Meshworking, Navigating - IVSM, Ubiquity University|0 Comments

Discover and explore the governing principles and structures that best support the local conditions of  your city/community functions. Reframing the role of cities as Gaia’s Reflective Organs This was a weeklong program January 11 - 15 convened by Integral City, Nest City, Ubiquity University and Humanity Rising ChatAction Group Overview Inspired by HR’s week of Bouncing Beyond to [...]

10 09, 2020

Humanity Rising. Ubiquity University. Integral City. Join our Circles of Care

By |2020-10-06T12:59:27+00:00September 10th, 2020|Action, Designing Impact, F. Training, Inquiry, Integral Maps, Online Course, Spirituality, Ubiquity University, Voices|0 Comments

Because of the pandemic, Ubiquity University cared enough to reach out to the world with Humanity Rising. Integral City answered and now we reach out to you in partnership with UU. Be one of the Daring Dozen who takes the new course, Beyond Resilient: Integral City Inquiry Action Impact. Find out why lead [...]

18 06, 2020

Integral City GPS Wakes Up All Paths

By |2020-06-18T10:55:39+00:00June 18th, 2020|A. Contexting Intelligences, B. Individual Intelligences, Book 2, C. Collective Intelligences, D. Strategic Intelligences, E. Evolutionary Intelligences|0 Comments

The publication of Book 1 Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive inspired the creation of the GPS. It is a tool to help us discover the intelligences in cities – and for Practitioners, Catalysts and Meshworkers to discover their piece of the puzzle that contributes to making the whole city fully alive. [...]

21 03, 2020

Optimizing & Optimistic Resources for Integral City Practitioners

By |2020-03-21T15:09:46+00:00March 21st, 2020|Action, Capacity Building, D. Strategic Intelligences, Designing Impact, Integral Maps, Voices|0 Comments

Some years ago after the Integral Europe Conference 2014 I published a series of blogs inspired by Dr. Roger Walsh's keynote on how integrally-informed professionals could be of service to the world. He and others have remarked about the underpinning and overstanding and interpenetration of OPTIMISM that an integral worldview can bring to "Karma [...]

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